King's Business - 1958-03

SDA continued to Mary than the SDAs do to Mrs. White. To them she was as infal­ lible as the Word of God. As a re­ sult the book bristles with hundreds upon hundreds of quotations from the writings of Mrs. White. Over and over and over, when trying to prove their point, these Adventist theologians resort to the writings of their prophetess. Page upon page of quotations from her writings are given as proof of their position. Be­ fore reading very far, one soon finds the unmistakable evidence that Mrs. White is still the last word in Sev­ enth-day Adventism. There are over four hundred full quotations from her writings, mainly contained in an appendix. 3) A carefully-worded but ba­ sic purpose of the book is to establish the long held erroneous view of the SDAs that they constitute the one true remnant church of the end time. Though the Seventh-day Ad­ ventists flatly deny it in the volume, it is nevertheless perfectly clear that they consider themselves “ the Rem­ nant Church,” that to them specific­ ally has the spirit of prophecy been manifested, and that God gave the writings of Mrs. White particularly for the SDA church (see page 89). They consider her writing inspired (see page 92, paragraph 2 ). Now all the above statements will be denied with one comer of the mouth, while clearly implied with the other. The volume is so full of confusing contradictions it would take volumes to point them out. We mention but a few: 1) Concerning the writings of Mrs. Ellen White it is stated: “W e do not regard them in the same sense as the Holy Scriptures” (page 89). But on page 91 we read that Mrs. Ellen White was inspired the same as Simeon, Agabus and John the Baptist, and concerning these we quote from the book: “ The mes­ sages which came through these prophets . . . came from the same God who spake through those proph­ ets whose writings were included in the Sacred Canon.” By a system of claiming that “ things equal to the same things are equal to each other” Mrs. White is thus put on a par with these prophets, and as these prophets were also inspired, by implication she is placed on the same level with all

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used by The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc.

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PRINTED PAGE — Biola Book Room, a large evangelical book store in downtown Kowloon distributing Bibles and literature in English and Chinese. YOUTH CENTER — Recently built in the New Territories. Primary and Evening Schools for factory workers and their chil­ dren. Summer and winter Bible Confer­ ences.

For complete information and gifts, please write:

Charles A . Roberts, D.D., Superintendent The Bible Instifute of Los Angeles, Inc. Hong Kong Department 558 South Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California


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