King's Business - 1958-03

the writers of the Old and New Testaments. 2) They claim that one who tru­ ly understands and accepts the teachings of the SDA Church can assuredly know that he is born again, and . . . fully accepted of the Lord (page 105). Yet on page 15 we are informed that until the end of the “ investi­ gative judgment” now going on in heaven, it will not be finally de­ termined “ who of the myriads of those sleeping in the dust of the earth are worthy of a part in the first resurrection.” This, of course, is a flat contradiction. 3) “ Seventh-day Adventists do not rely upon their sabbath keep­ ing as a means of salvation or of winning merit before God” (page 153). But on page 178 we read: “ In these last days when we believe that all truth is to be restored . . . and the message . . . is to come to man­ kind on the sabbath of the fourth commandment, there is a moral ac­ countability for obedience on the part o f those to whom light and con­ viction have come.” 4) “ No one has yet received the mark of the beast. The testing time has not yet come” (page 183). Yet the SDAs hold the mark of the beast “ to be in essence the at­ tempted change of the sabbath of the fourth commandment of the Decalogue by the Papacy . . . and the acceptance of the Papacy’s sub­ stitute by individuals. W e believe that in the end time . . . all men will be brought face to face with a decision to accept or reject Sunday observance” (page 181). Sunday observance will then be the mark of the beast, and the seal of the living God will be sabbath­ keeping. To say that it is not now the mark of the beast, but will be in the last days, still makes Sunday- keeping the mark of the beast. Yet these SDAs want fellowship with the Sunday-keeping worshipers of Satan! A great deal is made of the teach­ ing that the sabbath will be the mark of the beast in the last days, but on page 178 of the book we are definitely told that we are now liv­ ing in these last days; hence, it must be in effect now. More evidence of double talk and confusion! 5) “ Those who will feel the full fury of the dragon’s wrath are spo-


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The King's Business/March 1958

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