King's Business - 1958-03

for this. From death to resurrection they “ sleep” [not suffer], and at the final resurrection they exper­ ience utter and immediate extinc­ tion. Where is there then room for the suffering? Evidently this is more double talk to furnish a “ sop” for the unsuspecting and untaught. W e could go on and on and on, hut trust that we have pointed out some of the errors and inconsisten­ cies of this aggressive and deceptive movement. The volume, Questions on Doc­ trine, has been only a confirmation of my former suspicions, that in this attempt to receive the blessing and endorsement of the “ evangelicals,” the Seventh-day Adventists are us­ ing the tactics of the Trojan Horse. It is very evident that there is no desire to enter the evangelical camp, except for the purpose of using the endorsement of these evangelicals to proselyte folks into their own “ rem­ nant church.” If the SDAs wanted to be considered evangelical and not a cult, they could have done it in a booklet of 16 pages, instead of a volume of 720 pages. Almost the entire volume is just a justification of their unaltered position and a de­ fense of Mrs. Ellen White, their prophetess. The prominence of her name in the entire volume — the pages of quotations from her writ­ ings— is ample evidence of this. By eliminating the passages from Mrs. White’s writings, and the many chapters of labored attempts to es­ tablish their erroneous doctrines, the b ook co u ld be con d en sed in to pamphlet size, and be clearer than the confusing maze of fantastic in­ terpretations it now contains. The ancient proverb certainly applies perfectly, “ The mountain labored and brought forth a mouse.” Seventh-day Adventism has not changed. It is still the same bigoted movement of error and clever de­ ception. “ Take heed that no man deceive you by any means.” We have not dealt with the Sev­ enth-day Adventists’ fantastic in­ terpretation of the “ cleansing of the sanctuary” and their paradoxical teaching on law and grace, and many other errors because space does not permit, but we trust that we may have alerted some before they become ensnared and deceived by this latest attempt at infiltration for the purpose of proselyting. END.

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The King's Business/Morch 1958


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