King's Business - 1958-03

Mama. Then, swinging her around, he teased, “ I haven’t had any break­ fast and dumplings are my favorite dish.” Franz stared at the basket. It was jiggling all by itself and the lid kept popping up just a crack. In a twinkling, Franz knew what was in the basket and his heart jumped for joy. But at the same time, another thought came to him which made him feel so queer in­ side that he didn’t know if he felt happy or sad. For he was thinking of Joseph and how Joseph would love to be the first to lift the lid of a mysterious little basket that wig­ gled all by itself. Inside the basket, Franz knew, was the perfect gift for a lonely boy who could not see. It was a warm, soft, living and love­ able gift. Uncle Paul was laughing. “ Look at the boy. He’s as curious as he can be. All right, Franz, you may look inside. It belongs to you.” Franz felt like crying, but he swallowed hard and the lump in his throat went down. He peered under the lid. It was a puppy, just as he had guessed. “ Is it— is it really mine— to do with as I please?” he asked. “ Yes,” said Uncle Paul, very puz­ zled that Franz did not rush to open the basket. “ You will not be angry,” Franz went on carefully, “ no matter what I do with it?” “ Well, you must promise to be kind, that’ s all,” said Paul. He turned to Mama. “ What ails the boy?” “ Thank you very much,” said Franz, as he picked up the basket. “ There is something I have to do.” And off he went, down toward the little valley where Joseph lived. “ Your d in n e r !” Mama called sharply, but Papa put his hand on Mama’s arm. “ Let him go while he has the courage to do this thing,” he said wisely. “W e should be very proud of Franz right now.” Uncle Paul was still shaking his head. “ Come into the house,” Papa laughed softly, but a tear shone in his eye. “ Come have your dump­ lings, Paul, and I will tell you all about it. You too, Mama. And this time, Mama, when the boy returns, I don’t think you will want to scold him.” END.

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The King's Business/Morch 1958


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