King's Business - 1958-03

W ith M e m b e r s h i p i n C h r i s t i a n FAM ILY B O O K S H E L F When you join Christian Herald’s Family Bookshelf you’ll receive the club’s preview of each monthly selection. It is not necessary to buy a book every month—only four during the year to retain membership. By joining this successful crusade for decency in fiction you receive the best books available at regular retail prices, but never more than $3, and always books you can safely welcome into your home. With every two books you buy we will send you another free bonus book worth up to $5.00. Thus, you as a member of Christian Herald’s Family Bookshelf will save nearly 50 per cent on the books you receive. Send no money—we’ll bill you when we ship your books. By joining now you receive all four books for only $3. O U T S T A N D IN G OF $ 1 5 .9 0 V A L U E ! O N L Y $3°°w i t h M e m b e r s Thousands of American families have become disgusted with the flood of fourth-rate books that have been published in recent years, books that depend upon cheap sensationalism, the glorification of immorality, filthy language and a complete disregard for common decency. Christian Herald’s Family Bookshelf is making this unprecedented offer so that you may know that good books, decent books, books fit for your whole family are still being published. Present members know that Christian Herald’s Family Bookshelf means exactly what it says—is truly a book club you can trust!

ing reading for here is a novel with large dimensions of Love and Charity and Hope. A beautiful story! Regular Price $4.00 THE GIRL IN THE BLUE PINAFORE by Sara Ware Bassett. Lydia is the "girl in the blue pinafore.” Living alone in the old family house, she opens her doors to the townspeople—and to an unexpected, mysterious visitor who is in great need. Her kindness was beyond convention, but her character survives this and every other test. And now begins a love story with unexpected turns cfnd changes. The life of “the girl in the blue pinafore” becomes rich in its fulfillment and happiness, and she finds love awaiting her. A novel with more than a little of the Louisa May Alcott flavor, but as original as Cape Cod itself. Regular Price $2.95 LINCOLN’S DEVOTIONAL with Introduction by Carl Sandburg. Beauti­ fully bound in rich, red, soft Spanish grain, with cellophane jacket- stained edges—marker—gold imprinted, and packed in a handsome box. Dr. Daniel A. Poling says: “In the field of devotional literature many will regard this little book a greater discovery than the Dead Sea Scrolls ... In its own right, even without Lincoln's autograph, it is mind- enriching and soul-satisfying today as it was when Lincoln undoubtedly carried it with him. I shall carry it with me." DELUXE EDITION. Regular Price $5.00

TO LIVE AGAIN by Catherine Marshall, is much more than a fabulous success story. Despite the triumphs and accomplishments, the author writes of her life with a marvelous humility. She knows the plight of widows ... the loneliness, the various stages of cfrief, the financial and social problems, the need for creative outlets, the complex matter of remarriage. In every way that a woman can be, Catherine Marshall has been challenged. And her story contains the answer to that challenge —a practical, enduring faith and a close working relationship with God. Writing with a startling candor, she gives her answers to many of life’s perplexing riddles. Catherine Marshall shows how God builds up your resources instead of whittling down the problems. It is not part of His plan that the bereaved should languish in grief or live in emptiness. Because Catherine Marshall’s belief remained firm, hers is the story of the victory of faith. Regular Price $3.95 SING OUT THE GLORY by Gladys Hasty Carroll, is an unhurried, beautiful story—like the constant flow of a brook running through sun-filtered, wooded land. There is sunshine and shadow here, but there is always the constant "son g" if we listen. And as you finish reading this story you will find that the song has become a melody in your own life, and that you want to "sing out the glory" in your own special way. What more can we say to recommend a bookl SING OUT THE GLORY w bring you reward-


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27 East 39th Street, New York 16, New York THIS IS WHAT I ’VE BEEN LO O KING FORI Please send at once, the four books above as my membership gift books and first selection and bill me for only $3.00 for all four. Enroll me as a member of Christian Herald's Family Bookshelf and send me your preview each month so I can decide whether or not I want to receive the Bookshelf selection described. I don’t have to buy every selection— only four books during an entire year, to fulfill my membership requirements. For every two books I do accept, you agree to send me another valuable bonus book worth up to $5.00 free. TO LIVE AGAIN by Catherine Marshall • SING OUT THE GLORY by Gladys Hasty Carroll THE GIRL IN THE BLUE PINAFORE by Sara Ware Bassett • LINCOLN’S DEVOTIONAL, with Introduction by Carl Sandburg.

YOUR GUARANTEE — Every book selected by CHRISTIAN HERALD’S FAMILY BOOK­ SHELF will be free of illicit sex, filthy language or suggestive phrases. Each book will be fit for you and your family to read. The King's Business/March 1958


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