King's Business - 1958-03

WORDS from the WORD by Charles L. Feinberg, Th.D., Ph.D., Director, Talbot Theological Seminary

J E H O V A H J I R E H !

So Abraham named the place where God stayed his hand and provided a lamb for the sacrifice instead o f his son Isaac— "The Lord will provide.” And almost a thousand years later David declared "Thou preparest a table before me in the presence o f mine ene­ mies.” Today we o f The American Board o f Missions to the Jews humbly and wholeheartedly thank God for His un­ failing providence as our 63rd Annual Report is presented. The table that is spread before us each day is a plenti­ ful one but far transcending the merci­ ful and ample supply is the fact that it is our Lord Himself who prepares the table. As we scan the Annual Report, we ask in wonder "H ow is all this pos­ sible?” Brethren there is only one reason— He who even in the very midst o f enemies supplies our every need. Jehovah Jireh— the Lord will provide. Without fanfare or drive He tenderly provides our necessities. W e simply carry out the task He has given us. How we thank God for Himself. The table He has prepared is sur­ rounded by faithful friends who loyal­ ly support the work with their prayers and sacrificial giving. And there is another marvelous pro­ vision which our Lord has spread be­ fore us in the group o f consecrated business men who serve on our Board o f Directors often to the neglect o f per­ sonal affairs o f pressing importance. But even this is not all. There are the missionary workers laboring in the vineyard day in and day out truly in the presence o f enemies for Jewish mis­ sion work is not an easy task. If you are led to share in this work with your prayers and gifts, let us send you the Annual Report Number o f our magazine THE CHOSEN PEOPLE. Fill in the coupon and mail today. AM ER ICAN BOARD OF M ISSIONS TO THE JEWS, INC. ' 236 West 72nd Street, Dept. 8 , New York 23, N.Y. | Canadian Office: I 39 King William St., | Hamilton, Ont., Canada i God bless your efforts to evangelize i I the Jews. Please send me a copy of I i the Annual Report Number of THE i I CHOSEN PEOPLE. N am e ..... ........................ ! Address........................................ I C ity .............. Zone ..... State........


noun, a preposition and the third per­ son masculine suffix. The meaning would be “ that which is his” or “whose it is.” As for the first mean­ ing (“ that which is his” ), it is gra- matically difficult. The latter render­ ing corresponds to Ezekiel 21:27. The omission of the subject is not in keep­ ing with Hebrew syntax. However, the ancient versions, the Greek, the Aramaic, the Syriac and the Latin treat the word as just indi­ cated. On the basis of 1) and 3) the Messiah is referred to. Reuben, hav­ ing forfeited his birthright by mis­ conduct (Gen. 49:4; 35:22); Simeon and Levi, having acted cruelly and having incurred their father’s extreme displeasure (Gen. 34:30; 49:5-7); the covenant blessing of Abraham passed to Judah (Gen. 49:8), The promises of Genesis 3:15; 9:26,27; 12:1-3 now belonged to Judah alone. This prerog­ ative is kept for the one whose it is, one of Judah’s tribe, the man of peace, to whom will be directed the obe­ dience of all peoples. The town of Shiloh does not fill the requirements. Why should Jacob think of the town of Shiloh as the place of future worship? Furthermore, Shiloh was never of special impor­ tance in the history of Judah. The earliest interpretation was Messianic. From the time of the Septuagint the Mess iani c interpretation has had strong support. The text teaches rule and govern­ ment would be lodged with Judah until Messiah, the Man of Peace, the Peace-bringer, should come, when that rule would be raised to its high­ est expression and all nations would grant Him rightful obedience. May God hasten the day. END.

Chiloh (meaning rest) occurs 33 times in the Old Testament. Most of the references are in Joshua, Judges and 1 Samuel. It is found three times in 1 Kings, once in Psalms and five times in Jeremiah. The word also occurs in the important passage, Genesis 49:10. The New Testament does not mention the place. Judges 21:19 gives the po­ sition of the town. It was north of Bethel, on the east side of the high­ way from Bethel to Shechem, on the south of Lebonah. It was in the territory of Ephraim and is identified with modem Seilun, about ten miles northeast of Bethel. Under Joshua the tabernacle was set up there and the land divided (Josh. 18:1,8-10; 19:51; 22:9). It was the place of controversy over the altar set up on the east side of the Jordan. Here an annual feast was held in the times of the Judges (Judg. 21:19; 1 Sam. 1:3) and here the Benjamites found their wives when threatened with tribal extinction (Judg. 21:16-23). The tabernacle and the ark were here in the time of Eli and the early years of Samuel (Judg. 18:31; 1 Sam. 1:9, 24; 2:14, 22; 3:3, 21; 4:3,4; 14:3). At Shiloh the ark was captured (Psa. 78: 60; Jer. 7:12, 14; 26:6,9). Ahijah the prophet lived here (1 Kings 14:2,4). The town was inhabited as late as the time of Jeremiah (Jer. 41:5). Much difference of opinion has been expressed with reference to the Gene­ sis 49:10 passage. The three chief in­ terpretations of Shiloh here are: 1) It refers to the Messiah and points out the peacefulness of His character and reign. 2) It designates the town in central Palestine. 3) It is not a proper name at all but a common word, com­ pounded of the Hebrew relative pro-

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