King's Business - 1958-03

BIBLE STUDY Outline helps and questions for personal and group study

Searching the Scriptures

1 & 2 Corinthians (continued)

b y C h e s t e r J. P a d g e t t

2. What principle of giving does the Apostle establish in verse 2? 3. How is the responsibility of the church in missions evidenced from Paul’s words in verse 6? 4. How is Paul’s complete surren­ der to the will of God suggested in verse 7? 5. What were Paul’s immediate plans according to verse 8? 6. Why did Paul want to stay in Ephesus for awhile before visiting Corinth? (v. 9.) 7. How is Paul’s holy optimism brought out in verse 9? Church Support 1. How is the respons i b i l i ty of church support of the servants of God further evidenced in 16:10-11? 2. How is the independence of the

early Christian workers brought out in verse 12? 3. What five admonitions does Paul give the Corinthians in verses 13, 14? Meditate on each of these five things. 4. We live in a day of many “ ad­ dictions” ; what really helpful addic­ tion is mentioned in verse 15? 5. What is the result of Christian fellowship? (w . 17, 18.) 6. What is the tragic result of not loving the Lord Jesus Christ? (v. 22.) 2 C orinthians Before studying 2 Corinthians it would be well for you to read an introduction to the book, either the brief introduction at the beginning of the epistle in the Scofield Bible or in some good commentary. This will help you to know the date of writing,

The Rapture 1. Will every believer taste of death? (v. 51.) 2. Will every believer share in the resurrection (rapture)? (v. 51.) 3. Will there be time for the be­ liever to make wrongs right before the resurrection if things are not squared away by that time? (v. 52.) 4. In the light of the resurrection what should be the manner of the be­ liever’s life? (v. 58.) 5. What encouragement is given for service for Christ in verse 58? Collection for Saints 1. What subject does the Apostle take up in 1 Corinthians 16:1? Why is this an important subject for the Christian? (See Mai. 3:7-12; 2 Cor. 8-9.)

I had always considered myself a better-than-average Sunday School teacher. . .

Until I happened to overhear one of my girls say ,

‘But who wants to sit there for hours '

and listen to her stuffy lessons?”

I w a s s h o c k e d

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