King's Business - 1958-03

book reviews

dentally but as a result of long and hard preparation. The book is illus­ trated with a good number of photo­ graphs. 160 pages; cloth; Philosophi­ cal Library, New York; $3.00. 1 1 7 W a y s to the M ission Field By Mel Larson From half a dozen mission fields the author has gathered testimonials of the influences that surrounded the call, preparation and going out to the mission field of many missionaries of our present day. Some statistical an­ alyses of these data furnish the stu­ dent of missions with some interesting facts that can be used in recruiting in the local church and as a guide in personal development of missionary candidates. The author is a member of the Board of Foreign Missions of the Evangelical Free Church of Amer­ ica and managing editor of Youth for Christ Magazine. 344 pages; cloth; Christian Service Foundation, Moline, 111.; $3.00. Proceeding from the viewpoint of the Epistle to the Hebrews, the author, who was a Presbyterian minister edu­ cated at Biblical Seminary in New York and Drew Theological Semi­ nary, sets forth the main teachings of by Maxine Sloan. 96 pages; cloth; Pageant Press, New York; $2.50. King Solomon is seen as having abducted the Shulamite but he suf­ fers humiliation in the experience which is interpreted as a prediction of the fall of the tribe of Israel. The drama with the various actors identified makes another interesting in­ terpretation to study. THE BOOK OF REVELATION, A NEW TRANS­ LATION OF THE APOCALYPSE by J. B. Phillips. 50 pages; cloth: Macmillan, New York; $2.00. This is the final portion of the New Testament in the free translation that has been attractive to so many, although this book is more prosaic than his others. THE EXPOSITORY METHOD OF G. CAMPBELL MORGAN by Don M. Wagner. 128 pages; cloth; Fleming H. RevelI, Westwood, N.J.; $2.00. Few men have exerted the influence on modem preachers that Morgan has. Thirty of his books are kept in print. This analysis of his method goes into his sermonic, expository, theological and homiletical foundations and reveals a uni­ fying biblical method that is most commend­ able. The context principle is perhaps his chief contribution. VICTORIOUS PRAYING; STUDIES IN THE FAMILY PRAYER by Alan Redpath. 151 pages; cloth; Fleming H. Revel! Co., Westwood. N.J.; $2.00. This is really on exposition of the so- called Lord's Prayer by the present pastor of the Moody Church in Chicogo. He finds the prayer full of Christ, even though He is not mentioned in it, and feels that it is relevant to the Christian family. MANUAL ON SOUL W INNING by M. W. Downey. 23 pages; pamphlet; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids: 40c. Condensation of 10 lessons from the author's book, The Art of Soul Win­ ning. NINETY-FIVE BRIEF TALKS FOR VARIOUS OCCASIONS by C. B. Eavey. 103 pages; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids; $2.00. These suggestions cover a wide range of subjects al­ phabetically arranged. SALLY AND THE RED CONVERTIBLE by Claire Lynn. 95 pages; paper; Moody Press, Chicago; 75c. HOW TO REACH THE CHILDREN FOR JESUS by Florence R. Kee. 60 pages; paper; Zonder- van Publishing House, Grand Rapids; 50c. HOW TO LEAD SOMEONE TO CHRIST by William W. Orr. 32 poges; paper; Scripture Press, Wheaton, III.; 30c. Especially for (Chris­ tian young people. The Taberna cle By Edmont Hains

All recommended books may be obtained by mail from the Biola Book Room, Mail Order Dept., 560 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif.

By Arnold D. Ehlert, Th.D. Librarian and Professor of Library Science at Bioia

pretation and application based on the biblical materials themselves. The comparing of Scripture with Scripture is the most satisfactory method of ex­ position. This is a reprint of an older edition but the publisher has failed to give us the bibliographic genealogy of the book. 246 pages; cloth; Kregel Publications, Grand Rapids; $2.95. A lb e r t S chw eitzer: The S to r y of His Life By Jean Pierhal There are many studies of the fa­ mous patriarch of the primeval forest but this one claims to be “ the new authorized biography.” It is a trans­ lation from the German original. The writing is not heavy and many in­ timate details are included with an appreciation for their contributions to the total portrait of this self-sacrificing humanitarian and master of three dis­ ciplines. One soon comes to under­ stand that greatness comes not acci- The Book Ends CHRIST BE WITH ME by Walter Russell Bowie. 137 pages; cloth; Abingdon Press, New York, Nashville; $1.75. A handsome book filled with 31 daily meditations and personal prayers. In­ terweaving bits of history and famous quota­ tions, Dr. Bowie presents the peerless character of Jesus Christ as it stands high above the best of men, ending each day's meditations with a personal prayer to God the Father. DESTINATION HELL . . . STANDING ROOM ONLY by Millard F. Day. 100 pages; cloth; Greenwich Book Publishers, New York; $2.75. The dream of a businessman presented as an allegory, describing long-dead characters tor­ mented in hell as Henry Allen Johnson finds them. Happily, Johnson wakens from the night­ mare and alters his life and prepares for eterni­ ty in heaven. PELOUBET'S SELECT NOTES by Wilbur M. Smith. 451 pages; cloth; W. A. Wilde Company, Boston; $2.95. In this 84th annual commentary on the International Lessons, Smith outlines for the teacher what the Bible teaches on a theme and enriches it with his distinguished memory and references to his voluminous li­ brary. The Notes also lists audio-visuals for most lessons and a bibliography for the serious stu­ dent. Each lesson ends with "A Truth For The Class To Carry Away." IMPROVED FUNERAL MANUAL compiled by William H. Leach. 224 pages; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids; $2.00. The compiler is editor of Church Management and has included in this useful handbook all aspects of the be­ reavement experience and funeral service. The historic and the contemporary ore both here in helps for the minister. THE WONDERFUL WORD: A SERIES OF MES­ SAGES ON THE STUDY AND CONTENTS OF THE HOLY SCRIPTURES by George Henderson. 134 pages; cloth; Calvary Book Room, Coving­ ton, Ky.; $2.00. An introductory apology in­ cluding some helpful hints on the study of the Bible. ESSAYS ON TYPOLOGY by G. W. H. Lampe and K. J. Woollcombe. 80 pages; paper: Alec R. Allenson, Naperville, III.; $1.50. Studies in biblical theology, No. 22. WHAT WILL YE SEE IN THE SHULAMITE?

A ll the Plants o f the ttible By Winifred Walker Bible students and pastors will wel­ come this album-like volume with 114 Bible plants in full-page illustra­ tion and textual material covering chief biblical references, description and location, as well as home and commercial uses. The Latin, English and Hebrew names are given (in the case of New Testament plants, the Greek). There will be many points at which the Bible will become more understandable after one has read this book. The author spent years in careful research and is an artist her­ self. The drawings are thus both authentic and beautiful. 244 pages; cloth; Harper & Bros., New York; $4.95. The B o o k of God By April Oursler Armstrong A volume of “Adventures from the Old Testament,” adapted from The Greatest Book Ever Written and pre­ sented in such a way as to hold the attention of youngsters. The book will also interest grown-ups but the author has filled in the adventures from the Old Testament with details which would be quite difficult, if not impos­ sible, to substantiate, while repre­ senting the work to be factual. These detailed descriptions range from the color of Adam’s hair and the “ green with golden rings” body of the ser­ pent tempting Eve to “ red-nosed Ben- hadad.” The work is abundantly il­ lustrated but here again it is subject to controversy; an example being the representation of Isaac as a young lad at the time of his intended sacrifice to God while there are those who hold that he was then actually a man in the prime of life. These, it may be argued, are minor things but never­ theless the work could be misleading to impressionable youngsters. The book will have much appeal to young­ sters. 447 pages; cloth; Garden City Books, Garden City, New York; $4.95. —Reviewed by Milton R. Sue. Studies in M osa ic Institu tion s By W. G. Moorehead The main features of the Jewish tabernacle are expounded with some detail and with a reasonable inter-


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