King's Business - 1958-03

Three Crises

by Billy Graham

The first crisis in the history of America came in the Revolutionary War. Our nation could have died before it was bom. General Wash­ ington had 22,000 cold and starving men at Valley Forge. Three thou­ sand of these died and 11,000 de­ serted. I walked around Valley Forge one day with President Eisenhower and he remarked, “ This is where they got it for us.” We saw the spot where Washington knelt in the snow as he prayed to Almighty God. The second great crisis was the Civil War. Again the nation was tom, with brother fighting brother. Things could have happened from which America would never have recovered. Someone asked the great south­ ern general, Robert E. Lee, if he didn’t pray to God for victory. And Lee replied, “ No, I don’t pray for victory. I pray that God’s will be done.” Lincoln said he was not so concerned as to whether God was on his side as he was with the hope that he was on God’s side. On both sides the leaders prayed. God heard the prayers and healed the wounds of America. The third great crisis is the one in which we are now living. We are threatened with destruction as a na­ tion. Communists have more fervor than Christians. And they have nuclear weapons capable of de­ stroying civilization as we know it today. No American will be able to live with the assurance of peace in our lifetime. Certainly, we must be able to defend ourselves but the answer to our problem isn’t the power of armaments. The answer is whether we will turn to God as our leaders did in the Revolutionary War and the Civil War. Some people have the mistaken idea that Americans are God’s pets. Don’t you be fooled. God will punish America unless we truly repent and seek to do His will, no matter what the cost. END. The King's Business/Morch 1958

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