King's Business - 1958-03

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by Phil Kerr

Into My Heart

Words and Music by Harry D. Clarke

During a revival campaign in Sha- mokin, Pa., Clarke had been endeav­ oring to lead a friend to Christ. Fi­ nally the young man yielded, kneel­ ing at the altar with Clarke by his side. “He looked up at me and said, ‘Mr. Clarke, I don’t know how to pray.’ I advised him just to open his heart and let the Holy Spirit take control. Almost instantly he cried out, ‘Oh, Jesus, come into my heart today, and come in to stay!’ The words of this simple heart-prayer struck a responsive chord in my soul. No soon­ er had it left his lips than the melody came to my mind.” A few minutes later Clarke taught his new chorus to the audience, resulting in the com­ ing of additional penitents to the al­ tar. He reports that the meeting last­ ed till past midnight, with more than 100 accepting Christ. Harry Clarke, bom in Cardill, Wales, was left an orphan at an early age. After terrifying experiences as a homeless newsboy and in various orphanages, he was “bound out” at the age of 12 to the master of a fish­ ing schooner. Floggings, fights, storms, man-killing work—these fell to his lot aboard the schooner. Eventually, through the assistance of an older brother of whose existence Harry had not previously known, he was brought to London. Later the two brothers moved to Canada. The next move was to the United States where Harry was converted. He took theological and musical training, then embarked upon an active career of evangelism. After serving as songleader for Billy Sun­ day during the last years of the re­ vivalist’s career, Clarke established the Billy Sunday Memorial Tabernacle in Sioux City, Iowa. Besides “ Into My Heart,” other Clarke choruses include “He Careth For You” and “ Fishers Of Men.”

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The King's Business/March 1958

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