King's Business - 1958-03

wants a social gospel which, posing as a gospel of love, is really a gospel of force. Those who pretend to help Negroes are simply using them to stir up strife and aid communism. I have lived in the South and have preached to thousands of colored people. Lebanon, Mo. J. L. Stone Sirs: I no longer care for T he K ing ’ s B usiness magazine as it has more than the King’s business in it. Every clear- thinking, true American who can see and understand knows this integra­ tion movement in our country today was not prompted by a heaven-sent revival or prayer meeting of God-fear­ ing people, but is a political matter the church has taken over as a result of atheistic communism having infil­ trated the state and church. My prayer to God and my heart’s desire is when thou art converted strengthen thy brethren. Mullins, S.C. Rev. James N. Huggins Southern Methodist Church Sirs: My opinion is that some of the au­ thors of the letters ought to search their own hearts and examine them­ Sirs: I admired your editorial on segre­ gation. I was born in Arkansas. Santa Margarita, Calif. Kenneth G. Pharis Sirs: I felt a deep sense of shame upon reading some of the denunciatory let­ ters you received relative to the St. Clair article. Do these people have any idea of the harm they are doing Christ’s cause by their assumption of superiority merely because they have white skin? This is the kind of thing the world is quick to pounce on for we all know they will by-pass a hun­ dred true Christians to make a hue and cry over one hypocrite. Even the children sing, “ red and yellow, black and white, all are precious in His sight.” A member of our family who is not yet a believer read your article on integration and was much im­ pressed with your clear-cut definite stand on this issue. She had wondered that the church had not taken a stronger position on the question long ago. I feel it has drawn her closer. Portland, Ore. Mrs. C. Schley selves spiritually. Redondo Beach, Calif. R. L. Northamer

Predestination (cont'd) Sirs: T he K ing ’ s B usiness was the last magazine I ever expected to see this article [Predestination, January] in. Congratulations for the courage to print it. Stedman’s treatment of the “ ends and the means” establishes a nice balance against a fatalistic tend­ ency. His treatment of 1 Peter 1:2 indicts and judges a serious error in orthodox thinking—that of using fore­ knowledge as a tool to turn the grace of God into lasciviousness. Williamsport, Pa. R. E. Williams (Copies of the January issue con­ taining this important special report on predestination are still available at 25c each or 5 for $1, postpaid. — Ed.) Sirs: It was back in the 1930s that I read an article in one of your magazines about child evangelism. The Lord laid on my heart at that time the great need for reaching neglected children. I still have the magazine and am still reaching these children. The need is greater than ever before. East St. Louis, III. Mrs. Waldo Damienhink Sirs: I like the stories that Leonard Eilers tells of himself [in the Junior King’s Business Roundup section]. They are very interesting. I am nine years old and I have visited Leonard Eilers’ ranch and ridden his horses. Adelanto, Calif. Philip Van Loon Sirs: I didn’t like your articles on forced desegregation. You are falling for the Communist line. Better leave things alone that you do not understand. When the Lord says one race shall serve another He means it. Enclosed is my renewal for another year—I’ll give you a chance to do better in the future. Rainier, Ore. Alfred S. May Sirs: I have enjoyed your magazine for several years, however, I am not re­ newing my subscription due to your recent article on segregation. Satan Child Evangelism Leonard Eilers Segregation (cont'd)

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