King's Business - 1958-03

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■ Get Bible school training in a 3- or 6-week period. ■ Study under outstanding Bible teachers, Christian educators and gospel musicians. ■ Two great sessions . . . JUNE 16 to JULY 3 — JULY 7 to 25

REWARDING VACATION this year . . .

A monthly column of names in the news

In the cool morning air at Los An­ geles International Airport a fortnight ago, Dr. Frank C. Phillips, 46, climbed up the ramp of a United Air Lines plane bound for Oregon. He was scheduled to deliver a series of addresses for the two organizations in which he had played a major role—Youth for Christ International and World Vision, Inc. P h illip s never got there. He slumped down on the stairs of the plane with a heart attack, was rushed to Daniel Freeman Memorial Hos­ pital in Inglewood and there died at dusk. Singer-pastor Wilbur E. Nelson has moved from Huntington Park, Calif, to Wheaton, 111. to pastor the “Church by the Side of the Road” (Evangelical Free Church). His daily “Morning Chapel Hour” programs will continue to be heard over 20 broadcasting sta­ tions from coast to coast, in Hawaii, Ecuador and Panama. Hosted by Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship’s Fifth International Stu­ dent Missionary Convention, more than 3,200 collegiates gathered recent­ ly at Urbana, 111. to ponder the great missionary theme: “One Lord — One Church—One World,” as developed by Drs. Donald Grey Barnhouse, Harold Oc- kenga, Billy Graham and others. Over 1,500 students indicated that they would follow God’s will for their lives wherever it might take them at any cost. From the Caribbean Isles come headlines of more Graham success. In Kingston, Jamaica a crowd of 30,000 (20,000 turned away) smashed all at­ tendance records for mass meetings in the Island’s history. The second night brought 25,000 with 1,600 decisions for Christ. By popular demand the services were broadcast to the entire Island. Graham’s vanguard was Asso­ ciate Evangelist Leighton Ford and team who attracted 6,000-7,000 nightly for two weeks, resulting in more than 1,000 decisions for Christ. In response to appeals from over­ seas missionaries for films for teen­ agers in foreign lands, Ken Anderson, producer of Gospel Films, Inc. and Grand Rapids businessman James Ka- minga are combing Asia, the Middle East and Europe, surveying the pos­ sibilities of producing teen-age films specifically geared toward reaching youth overseas with the gospel.


Your entire expense will include only the student benefit fee of $3.00 for one session, or $5.00 for two ses­ sion s (th is c o v e rs h e a lth se r v ice and postoffice), and what­ ever you pay for music lesson s. R oom and board rates are very reasonable. Yes, it’s possible to live in Chi­ cago and attend MBI Summer School for only $20 a week! ★ S p e c i a l W O R K S H O P S SACRED MUSIC July 7-11 RAD IO BROADCASTING June 16 to July 3 M IS SIO N A R Y LITERATURE June 16 to July 3 BIBLE INSTITUTE W O R K ­ SHOP FOR M ISSION AR IES July 7-25 Application papers must be mailed back at least ten days before the opening of sessions you plan to attend.

■ You’ll learn to know and understand your Bible better. ■ You’ll learn how to become a successful soul-winner. ■ You’ll learn how to serve Christ more effec­ tively in your own church and community. This year’s sessions promise to be exceedingly rich ones. More than 60 accredited subjects are being offered in Bible and related fields, such as Christian education, missions and sacred music. Courses are planned to pro­ vide Christians with the same study opportunities as Day School, but in a shorter period. Metropolitan Chicago provides a most practical clinic for observation and experience in all phases of Christian work . . . church services, street meetings, personal work in jails, missions, hospitals and other institutions. Partici­ pation in practical assignments is optional.



INTERDENOMINATIONAL . . . EVANGELICAL M O O D Y B I B L E I N S T I T U T E Dr. William Culbertson, president • Dr. S. Maxwell Coder, dean 820 N. LaSalle Street * Chicago 10, Illinois

Dept. K-58-337

Please send me Summer School folder, catalog and application blanks.

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Address. City _______




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