King's Business - 1958-03

Under the Parsonage Roof by Althea S. Miller EXCUSES


D orotheann’s voice was full of long­ ing. “ I wish I could get you on ‘Queen for a Day,’ Mother.” “Why, sweetie? I’m sure I’m not queen material according to their standards.” “You are, too. I just saw that pro­ gram on TV. The chosen lady gets beautiful clothes. I’d love to see you get a new wardrobe. You could surely use one.” As she vainly tried to smooth out the skirt of a well-worn dress, Mother continued a little wistfully, “You are an observant girl. Teaching every day has surely put my clothes through the mill. But we’ll have to be satisfied with what I have. I’m afraid no ‘Queen for a Day’ program will ever come to my rescue.” “What excuse would she give any­ way to get you on that program?” Ten-year-old Kent suddenly put his two cents worth into the conversation. “You don’t give excuses, stupid! All you need is a good reason. Mama has had nine children. That gives her nine reasons—good ones, too. And three- fourths of us are pills, you especially.” “What ‘excuse’ would I give?” Mother asked herself as she stood over the ironing board. She smiled in spite of herself. “Nine children can hardly be called ‘excuses,’ but they certainly supply reasons for a mother’s ward­ robe looking rather weary. But I don’t want to waste time wishing for clothes to cover this body when it is far more important that I wear the ‘robe of righteousness’ to grace this spirit of mine which Christ has so graciously saved. Doesn’t the Word enjoin the believer to ‘be clothed with humility’ (1 Pet. 5:5)? Father God, let me be clothed in garments which are beautiful to Thee. “Of one thing I am sure, excuses are not to be part of the dress of God’s children. If anything, excuses are thinly veiled fruits of the flesh. In failing to obey our Lord complete­ ly, too many of us Christians employ them, deluding ourselves into the be­ lief that God will see reason behind our default. “ ‘Knowing . . . that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand . . .’ (Rom. 13:11,12). Lord help me to repudiate every ex­ cuse for Thy testimony’s sake.”

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The King's Business/Morch 1958


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