King's Business - 1915-05

if anyone lays the Scripture Studies aside, even after he has used them, after he has become familiar with them, if he has read them for ten years—if he then lays them aside and ignores them AND GOES TO THE BIBLE ALONE, though he has un­ derstood the Bible for ten years, our ex­ perience shows that within | two years he goes INTO DARKNESS. On the other hand, if he has merely read the Scripture Studies with their references, and had not read a page of the Bible, as such, he would be in the light at the end of two years, be­ cause he would have the light of the Scrip­ tures.” When any man makes any such claim as this, it is unnecessary to read or listen to anything more that he has to say. By such a statement he proves himself to be beyond question a charlatan and religious impostor. This is simply the old Papal error in a new form. The Romish church took the Bible from the people and told them it was safer to study the comments of the saints and the priests on the Bible than to study the Bible itself. Russell is trying to do ex­ actly the same thing, and by that fact' is thoroughly discredited, and no intelligent and well-balanced person would care to fol­ low his teaching any further. If we were to speak of definite errors that he teaches we would point to his doc­ trine regarding the person of Christ. We do not go into it here. Anyone who reads his books with any care knows what it is and if he knows his Bible at all, he knows that Russell’s doctrine is not the doctrine of the Bible. We would point further to his doctrine concerning the Holy Spirit, to his flat de­ nial of the personality of the Holy Spirit. Anyone who has studied his Bible with any care and thoroughness and desire to

“Why do you not write a book exposing the errors of ‘Russellism’ or ‘Millennial Dawnism’ ”? I have never taken the time to write a book on this subject for it has never seemed to me to be worth while. The errors of the Millennial Dawn books are so many and so apparent that it has never seemed necessary for me to point them out one by one. I do not think that it is possible for anyone who really wishes to know the truth of God and who has" studied his Bible with any care to be misled by the Millennial Dawn books. He may go a ways in read­ ing them, hut he will soon see that the errors are so evident and so outrageous that this teaching cannot be of God. One claim of “Pastor” Russell is enough to ut­ terly discredit him, even if he were not dis­ credited by many other things as well, and that claim is that it is safer and better to study his books than it is to study the Bible itself. He says in his periodical, “The Watch Tower,” September IS, 1910, page 298: “If the six volumes of the Scripture Studies (referring to his own books) are practically the Bible topically arranged with Bible proofs, we might not improperly name the volumes ‘The Bible in An Arranged Form,’ that is to say, they are not merely comments on the Bible, but THEY ARE PRACTICALLY THE BIBLE ITSELF, since there is no desire to build any doc­ trine or thought on any individual prefer­ ence or on any individual wisdom, but to present the entire matter on the lines of the Word of God We, therefore, think it safe to follow this kind of reading, this kind •f instruction, this kind of Bible study. “Furthermore, not only do we find that people cannot see The Divine Plan in Study­ ing the Bible by Itself, hut we see, also, that

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