King's Business - 1915-05



doms are being dissolved, but th a t is not w h a t h e prophesied , that the year 1914 would bring the beginning of the end; h is EXPLICIT PREDICTION WAS THAT 1914 WOULD BRING "THE FINAL END OF THE KINGDOMS OF THIS WORLD,” and " t h e fu ll esta b lishm en t of the kingdom of God.” He said these things “will be accommplished at the end of A. D. 1914.” No amount of twisting can make him out to be anything but a false prophet. Doubtless there will be some blinded dupes who will still hold to him, just as has been the case with every other religious imposter and false prophet and fraud throughout the centuries, even when they were totally discredited by the failure of their predictions. But all real lovers of the truth and all well-balanced men and women will wash their hands of Russell and his predictions and his societies forever. "D ELIGIOUS organizations can aid a good cause by bringing their printing to the Biola Press. There are few more adequately equipped printing establish­ ments, and none superior in excellence of output. The profits of this department are set apart by the Bible Institute for the free distribution of literature, and the patron­ age of all persons and organizations inter­ ested in the spread of the Gospel, is so­ licited in this behalf. A DVERTISERS have been known to pay extravagant prices for lists of names of persons to whom they wished to send advertising circulars. It may be that such advertisers would not be given space in this magazine under any consideration, but legitimate business enterprises should be quick to see the advantage of reaching 100,000 Christian men and women in all parts of the world. Such a list of names cannot be bought at any price.

of the kingdoms of- this world," and the glorification of every member o f the body of Christ. When the war broke out, then Russell and his disciples took another tack; they claimed that this war was the fulfill­ ment of these predictions, and claimed that it was remarkable that he had predicted tljese things for 1914 and that the war should break out so unexpectedly in 1914. But the war was t h e exact contrary ; to WHAT HE HAD PREDICTED. 1914 w as to See the close of the end times and " t h e fin a l END OF THE KINGDOMS OF THIS WORLD1' an d this is not at all what we have seen: much less have we seen the glorification of every member of the body of Christ with the Head. The disciples of Pastor Russell are trying to square his predictions with the facts by saying that the war in Europe is “the beginning of the end’’ and the king­ TA7HEN any readers of this magazine * * have friends coming to Los Angeles (particularly women who are traveling alone) they can do a good turn for their friends and help in the support of The Bible Institute by urging them to make this in­ stitution their home while in the city. The dormitories are modern, convenient and fireproof; the dining room accommodations the best and the rates moderate. Above and beyond these reasons, however, is the importance of having a suitable place where a lady may safely make her home with pleasant and dignified surroundings, close to the business center. S OME shrewd advertisers have taken advantage of the splendid opportunity offered by our 100,000 list of subscribers for the months of April, May and June. There is still time for others to get in the June number. The Bible Institute is greatly in need of their support, and having an exceptional proposition confidently offers it to approved established enterprises.

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