King's Business - 1915-05



street in a moment he was saved by the thought that he would just give himself up and trust to God to save him. WRONG IDEAS. It is often said to me, “You see I do not just understand \yhat it is to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.” Take that verse, “He came unto His own, but His Own received Him not; but as many as received Him to them gave He power to become the daugh­ ters and sons of God.” The difference be­ tween a saved and an unsaved man is that one has received Christ, and the other has not. Christ is the life. There is all the dif­ ference in the world between a man who receives Christ and a man who rejects Him. Christ is God’s gift.' If you receive 'Him you are saved; if not, you perish. The question is whether you are willing to re­ ceive the Lord Jesus Christ. I know of a person who, in the city where she lived, at one time could not have gone out and bought $25 worth of goods on credit in all the shops together ; they would not trust her. The next day she could have bought $1000 worth. The dif­ ference is that she was a poor shop girl, and she married a wealthy man. She had received him, and that gave her power. A person that receives Christ has power. A man.may be a poor, blind, wretched beggar; the next day he may have received all the treasures of hope ; he may have espoused the Lord God. “For as many as received Him to them He gave the privilege to be­ come the sons of God.” THE BEST VERSE. If every verse but one were to be blotted out of thé Bible and we could choose but one, I would decide in one moment with­ out hesitation. I would say, give me John, 5:24: “Verily”—whidi means truly, or mind yvhat I tell you—“I say unto you, He that heareth my word”—I have heard it; nothing can make me believe I have not heard it—“He that heareth my word and believeth on Him that sent me”—I just as much believe that God sent Christ into the

world, to be the Saviour of the world, as I believe that I exist. I could not doubt it. We have evidence enough; we do not want any more. Men here in New York that have been gamblers and thieves—the worst men there ar-e—have been saved, who have heard His word. Some of you say they won’t hold out. I know some converts of that class in Chicago who were saved ten years ago, who hold out faithfully yet. I know they said I would not hold- out twenty-one years ago, but God has kept me so far, and I think He will continue to do so. “He that heareth My word and be­ lieveth on Him that sent me”—I say to these inquirers, “Have you got it that far? Do you believe every word of it so far?” “Yes.” Well, now, the next word—“hath, h-a-t-h, hath—everlasting life.” One man said there, “Oh, I understand that. That is very plain.” It does not say you shall have it when you come to die. It does not say “for six months, or as long as you live,” but “everlasting.” God says “hath" it. The next word is, “And .shall not come into con- demnation”—that means into judgment— “but has passed from death unto life.” Peter says, “Give a reason for the faith which is within ,you.” THE REASON.' If I were called upon to give a reason, I would say my reason is John 5 :24. I took my stand on that rock twenty years ago, and I stand upon it yet. As the Irishman said, “I tremble sometimes, % but the rock never does.” God’s Word does not fail. If you build your hopes of heaven on God’s Word, you will be saved. Why not take that verse home to you, and take salvation with it? Eternal life is hidden in that short verse. ? It is there, if you -will but reach out your'hand and take it. Tonight God offers Christ to you. He will receive you tonight if you will take Him at His word, and .make room for Christ in your heart tonight. A building in Dublin caught fire some time ago, and in it was a person exposed to

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