King's Business - 1915-05


Voi 6

MAY, 1915


No. 5

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E D I T O R I A L Spring and summer are the two especial seasons of the year for sowing and reaping. If properly improved, they may be also the two great seasons of the year for sowing and reaping irt our Lord’s harvest field. They offer un­

Spring and Summer

usual opportunities for soul-winning work. During these seasons, people are accessible as they are at no other time of year. The outdoors invites them, and it is not necessary to search them out in their homes and other places of seclusion. The street^ and parks; the fields, the mountains, the beaches are full of people, and the vast crowds invite every alert follower of the Lord Jesus to speak to them and win them for Christ. If we would only get out of the notion that we can only have services in churches or halls, and realize that our Lord and His disciples did most of their work in the open air, we could accomplish great things. Open air meetings, tent meetings, grove meet­ ings, beach meetings, afford opportunities for aggressive evangelistic work that cannot be found either in churches, halls, or tabernacles. Far greater results can be accomplished with a much smaller outlay of money than by the regular methods employed by our churches. Our publishing houses are pouring out books in the present What Books day as never before in all the world’s history, and the Should We question what not to read is an important one for every Read? - one who would be a useful minister or Christian worker. There is enough that is thoroughly good to occupy our time, and it is foolish to waste our time on that which is either bad or use­ less. A very ugeful list of books “Indispensable for the Minister or Chris­ tian Worker” is given in the closing volume of The Fundamentals. But one book that we cannot endorse has somehow crept into that list, namely, “The Bible Dictionary” by Jacobus and Zenos. Some of the articles of a critical character in this dictionary are utterly unreliable and misleading, seriously tainted with the Destructive Criticism. There are safe and sane and sound and satisfactory Bible Dictionaries and one is not dependent upon those that are tinctured with error as a number of them are. In these days of overweening personal and national ambi- Love and tion and boasting and hatred and war, we are reminded of Force what the evangelist. Sam P. Jones once said: “The om­ nipotent principle of the world is love. When Alexander the Great wanted to conquer this world he mustered his forces, and blood flowed like a river; and poor Alexander when he died was a conquered

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