King's Business - 1915-05



God,’’ and the results of preaching and teaching the Word are the conversion of sinners, and the building of them up in the faith. The Old Gospel is still the power of God unto salvation to every one that be- lieveth. It is wonderful the change that takes place in the lives of these men in just a few days. Several who have come to scoff are now believers in the Lord Jesus. Only eternity will be able to reveal the fruitage of these last few weeks. -4- hopes to win him for the Lord. It is beau­ tiful to see her love for the Bible. She carries it with her wherever she goes. When we saw her last she said with real joy in her face: “O, I am so happy in the Lord. You know I used to be interested in other books. I loved to read, but now I love to read the Bible so much that I don’t have time for other books. It’s the most in­ teresting book in the world.” And holding it to her^breast, she said, “I love it so.” Neither of them is very well educated, and so as they read the precious. Word they keep a dictionary close at hand to look up the meaning of hard words. Would God that those to whom the read­ ing would be easy might only be as anxious to know the truth. This young Jewess has been passing through deep waters, which makes her testimony all the more encourag­ ing.

men can sleep on the floor. The hall is closed each evening until after the meet­ ing, and then opened. Each man must first get a ticket at the mission which admits him to the sleeping hall. Good order has been maintained from the first, and the men have been very appreciative. We endeavor to make the Mission a Bible School, where the Word of God is preach­ ed, taught and memorized. “Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of

WORK AMONG THE JEWS Mrs. L. Manson, Sup’t.

/CHILDREN’S work has, by the power of God, weathered the storm of persecu­ tion. The average attendance had dropped from twenty-five to twelve, but is again in­ creasing. We-had sixteen at our last meet­ ing. They are being taught the fundamen­ tals in the Old Testament. We are also emphasizing the Messianic passages, pre­ paratory to New Testament teachings. Our readers may remember the account of the conversion of a young Jewess in the December number of T h e K in g ’ s B u s in e s s . She has been growing so wonderfully in grace that you will be interested to hear about her recent testimony. Instead of the moving picture show as formerly, she and her husband have been spending their even­ ings in the study of the Word. Though he has not as yet accepted Christ, he is becoming really interested, and his wife

THE EXTENSION DEPARTMENT George W. Hunter, Representative

Societies. From forty to one hundred are studying the fundamental doctrines as re­ vealed in the Epistle to the Hebrews each week. A class in Stockton of from thirty to forty has followed the dispensational line of study as outlined by Dr. C. L Sco­ field; this class has been taking the in-

i ATORK of the Extension Department of * * the Bible Institute is reaching many people connected with the several denom­ inational bodies in the northern part of the State. Class work is being conducted in Sacramento, under the direction of the County Union of the Christian Endeavor

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