King's Business - 1915-05

TheVery Best Books Fof several years the committee having in charge the publi­ cation of “The Fundamentals” has been endeavoring to get a list of books most indispensable for the minister and Christian worker. The list printed below is made up from the lists submitted, (see The Fundamentals ,No. XII, pages 120-123), and contains only The Books Most Indispensable for the Minister and Christian Worker The Divine Unity of the Scripture. Adolph Saphir. Cloth, 50e; paper....$ .15 The Divinity of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Ldddon. Cloth........... 1.25 The Progress of Doctrine in the New Testament. Bernard. Cloth__....... .50 A History of Christian Doctrine. Shedd. Cloth, 2 Volumes................ 5.00 History of the Reformation. D ’Au- bigne. 5 Volumes, cloth.................... 3.00 Life and Epistles of St. Paul. Cony- The Scofield Reference Bible. Cloth, $1.50; leather, $3.50 to....................... 12.50 Special Editions containing Dr. Torrey ’s Notes on How to Study the Bible. Cloth, $2.00; leather, $8.50; with Concordance also, $9.00. Strong’s Concordance. (Postage, 96e extra) 3.00 Introduction to the Study of the New Testament. Kerr. Cloth.................. 1.25

Old Testament Introduction. Raven. Cloth .......................... ;.‘.U............2.00 The Mosaic Institutions. Moorehead. Cloth ——..........................i;........ij;...... 1.00 Outline Studies of the Four Gospels. Moorehead. Cloth ............................ 1.00 Outline Studies of the Acts and Epis­ tles. Moorehead. Cloth.................... 1.25 Young’s Analytical Concordance. Cloth 6.00 Commentary on the Whole Bible. Edited by J. R. Dummelow. Cloth, (postage, 25c extra)................ 2.50 Fisher’s History of the Christian Church. Cloth ............ 3.50 Oxford Two Version Bible. Cloth, $2.25; leather, $6.00; with Concord­ ance ,...~|L«;....................................... . 6.50 Theopneustia (The Plenary Inspira­ tion of the Bible). Dr. L. Gaussen. Cloth ...... ................................ v;...... .75 Christianity and Anti-Christianity in Their Final Conflict. S. J. Andrews. Cloth.........1.50

beare and Howson. Cloth................ 1.50 Rutherford’s Letters. Cloth................ 2.00 Many Infallible Proofs. A. T. Pier­ son. Cloth (postage 10c extra)......... .50 New Acts of the Apostles. A. T. Pier­ son. Cloth ..:............. 1.25 How to Study the Bible for Greatest Profit. R. A. Torrey. Cloth................75 Pacts and Theories as to a Future State. Frederick Grant. Cloth....... 1.50 The Bible—American Standard Edi­ tion. Cloth, 50c to $1.50; leather, $1.35 to ______ ~ ..... 10.00 Bible Dictionary. J. B. Davis (new edition.) Cloth (postage 25c extra).. 2.50 The Cyclopedic Handbook to the Bible. Angus-Green (new edition)............. 1.50 Cross Reference Bible. $5.50 to.........15.00 Outlines of Theology. A. A. Hodge. Cloth ........ . ....... ............................. 1.75

(Continuation of list on next page)

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