
food hampers. They have remained classics for a reason: Their indulgent offerings evoke a sense of celebration and luxury, making them versatile and universally appreciated gifts that can enhance any occasion. Try to personalize a custom gift as much as possible based on what you know about your client. If they love cooking, consider high-end kitchen gadgets or an upscale cookbook. If they’re into home décor, think about artisan candles or designer throw pillows. Remember: The goal isn’t just about thanking your client. It’s about leaving them with something tangible they can cherish long after the deal has closed. By gifting personalized and thoughtful items or unforgettable experiences,

you create an impression and a connection that resonates for years to come, reinforcing positive relationships and potential referrals and future collaborations. MEMORABLE PRESENTATION Once you’ve purchased your gift, you aren’t finished. Make the presentation memorable. Believe me —it matters . Wrapping your gifts beautifully or creatively adds an extra layer of thoughtfulness your clients will notice. Whether you choose one of these options or decide on something else entirely, remember this: The best real estate closing gifts are those that leave an impression long after contracts have been signed and keys

are handed over. They’re thoughtful gestures that showcase appreciation and genuine care for your clients’ happiness in their new homes. Your gift does not need to be expensive or extravagant, but it must resonate with your client personally and show appreciation for their business. Finally , whatever gift you choose should reflect your relationship with the client and be an extension of your brand. The gift will serve as a lasting reminder long after the sale has closed. • Jamie Cohen is a freelance digital marketer and writer with a passion for real estate investing. He enjoys remodeling his family’s first home as a hobby and spending time at dog parks with his two Boston terriers.

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