
serve as the foundation for your investment strategy and help you stay focused on the bigger picture. Within the Empire Operating Sys - tem, you are encouraged to create both short-term and long-term goals. Short-term goals allow you to track progress and adjust, while long-term goals provide a sense of direction and purpose. Regularly review and update your objectives to align with the ever-changing real estate landscape. Building a professional team. Doing business necessitates building a team of competent professionals to support your real estate ventures. Surround yourself with experienced real estate agents, attorneys, accountants, property managers, and contractors. Their expertise will prove invaluable for making

informed decisions and streamlining your investment processes. Remember, you are not just invest- ing in properties; you are investing in people who contribute to the success of your portfolio. Choose your team members carefully and foster strong, collaborative relationships. The path to success in the realm of real estate investing lies in transitioning from playing business to doing business. As part of the Empire Operating System, you are equipped with the knowledge, tools, and support to navigate this transition successfully. Embrace the principles of doing business, prioritize education, manage risks, set clear objectives, and build a competent team. By following these guidelines, you can confidently navigate the world of real

estate investment and embark on a journey toward building a thriving and sustainable portfolio. Remember, investing in real estate is not merely a game—it is a serious endeavor that can bring substantial rewards when approached with dili- gence and a strategic mindset. With the Empire Operating System as your guide, you are poised for success in the dynamic world of real estate. •

Jim Tannehill has been an entrepreneur for more than 10 years. He is Empire Certified, Trainual Certified and an expert in LucidCharts.

A business coach, Tannehill has consulted with more than 100 companies in many different industries and verticals. As chief operating officer of Empire Operating Systems, Tannehill oversees the complete operating picture for the company and ensures that all Empire clients are moving forward in the Five Phases of Business.

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