25 Days of Celebration Christmas Devotional 2021

DECEMBER 1 CELEBRATING GOD’S INDESCRIBABLE GIFT By Don Lough, Jr. President & CEO, Word of Life Fellowship

Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift! (2 Corinthians 9:15)

Think back to the most incredible Christmas gift you ever received. Maybe it was a Schwinn bicycle, a popular LEGO set, or even a new puppy. While these things offer moments of excitement and fun, they pale in comparison to God’s ultimate Christmas gift. As a matter of fact, God’s gift is so incredible that mere words are inadequate to describe it. The Apostle Paul celebrates this truth in 2 Corinthians 9:15 by expressing, “Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!” Indescribable means “defying expression or description.” What kind of gift would qualify? This verse points us directly back to a manger in Bethlehem and Calvary’s cross. Because of God’s great love, He sent His Only Son, Jesus, to this earth as the best Christmas gift ever. His mission was to pay the penalty for our sin, a penalty we deserved to pay. But He took our place by dying a criminal’s death on a Roman cross. Romans 5:8 confirms,“But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Get the picture! While we were thrusting our angry fists toward God, He still loved us and sent the gift of Jesus. This gift defies description!

As we enter this Christmas season, this is prime time to celebrate and share God’s indescribable and undeserved gift. Neighbors, friends, and family desperately need to hear the Good News about Jesus.

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