

6. Water The water in this area contains poisons and can be carcinogenic, especially for women and children. Become informed about PFAS and ag chemicals, found even is some bottled water. Little or nothing is being done in our county, cities or states. Get yourself a high-grade water filter. (We use Multipure, an under-the-counter carbon filter that is changed yearly — a wonderful wedding gift from our sisters- in-law given to us 36 years ago!) If you live in an apartment building, get your neighbors to request management to install water filters (not just anyone, but a well-researched one). For low income and munici - pal-owned buildings, work with your legislators to make this a hous- ing requirement (like smoke detectors, etc.). 7. Politics By now it should be quite evident how important it is to elect local officials who are knowledgeable, progressive, and have our best inter - ests in mind. Get to know your elected officials, ask them what they are doing about these issues, support their efforts, educate them where necessary, and don’t let up. The five PFAS bills introduced this year in the MD General Assembly to curb or eliminate these harmful chem - icals from our water were withdrawn or rejected. There’s never been real support for any of the ag chemical bills in Maryland. 8. Be Informed Read about food, health, and diet.To their credit, The Washington Post , The New Yorker , and various health and science magazines have been decent about coverage. WPFW-FM 89.3 Monday 2:00 pm pro - gram. “To Your Health” with Dr. Ted Watkins is worth tuning in for a listen. A new book by Alicia Kennedy, No Meat Required (Beacon Press), has just been published. It’s well worth reading.

Food Choices... ...continued from page 25

core conditioning, body pump, Yoga, Zumba, as often as possible.

3. Restaurants I’ve cut out most restaurants. If I want to keep living healthier, I will have little to no alcoholic drinks, meats, cheese dishes, fried foods, and sugary desserts. If we go anywhere, it’s a local Latino restaurant stressing salsa, fresh vegetables, salads, and affordable prices. Also, not eating a heavy meal after 6 pm and taking a walk after meals. 4. Transportation Where possible, avoid using a car in cities. While we live just out- side the city, our compromise was a Prius (now over 6 years old with 20,000 miles on it). Large gas guzzlers are really not needed, especial - ly given what we know about the harm emissions cause. Electric cars and their maintenance are getting better and better. Everyone has dif- ferent transportation needs, so just being conscious of ways to reduce your use of gas cars will make a big difference. 5. Climate Change Our food should and can be grown within 100 miles. I always look at the labels telling me about food origins. At a food store, inexpen- sive “Gala” apples were shipped from New Zealand. That’s a carbon footprint that should be unacceptable to folks concerned about the cli- mate. Perhaps we should learn to eat more “in season,” then so much of our produce can be local. It’s exciting to anticipate peach and apple season!

Dr. Maria Talton an Ayurvedic practitioner with over 30 years experience in holistic health.

Specializing In ◆ Ayurvedic/Chinese Medicine ◆ Chronic Pain Therapy ◆ Therapeutic Massage ◆ Reiki Therapy ◆ Infrared Therapy ◆ Jacobson Relaxation Therapy ◆ Herbal Therapy ◆ Acupressure ◆ Infertility ◆ Body Detoxification

Physical Benefits of REIKI Therapy ✽ Reduces stress & tension ✽ Enhances immune system ✽ Improves Sleep ✽ Reduces Pain ✽ Boosts Healing response ✽ Promotes relaxation ✽ Enhanced energy levels


26—PATHWAYS—Fall 23

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