

the mode we will always be in. True, we may receive the abundance we need for that season; but it will leak out of our lives and potentially create the need to manifest more abundance at a future date. A small adjustment we can make with big impact is to change the transmission language. Instead of “I need to manifest abundance”, try “I AM abundance. Abundance flows endlessly through me and I easily find ways to tap into that flow.” This small shift changes our re - lationship with abundance. We are now asking the Universe to guide us to actualize the abundance already there. You see, abundance isn’t something that needs to be created. By its very definition, it is limitless and ever present. When we embody this innate understanding and inner language, it transforms into a vibration that is a part of who we are. We no longer need to ask for abundance. We have it and only need the guidance to be able to access it. As this shift becomes the new normal, we could find ourselves in a state of ongoing, sustained and limitless abundance in all areas, and can access the signals, direction and mindfulness to recognize how we need to show up to have it be a part of us with ease and flow. We are now moving in synchronicity and are part of the abundance of energy blessings of the Universe. When we understand we are abundant, we not only flow with that energy for ourselves, we become the blessing of abundance for others who need it as well. Pramela Thiagesan is a personal development/business coach specializing in Biofield Correction and Manifesting Techniques. Her clients find her through word of mouth and she has successfully prac - ticed in this field with a constantly full client roster for almost a de - cade. She lives in Asheville, North Carolina, with her 2 children. To learn more, contact Pramela at 828.777.6787. * * * Cam MacQueen and “Cultivating Compassion” celebrate 25 years at Pathways! Way back in 1998, Cam approached Pathways’ origi - nal editor/publisher, Lou DeSabla, with the idea for the column and he gladly agreed. The next step was naming the column and that came after attending a Mindfulness and Vegetarianism workshop with Anh-Huong Nguyen in DC. She spoke frequently that day about “cultivating compassion” and the term resonated as the answer to the title naming question. After contacting her to ask her approv - al, which she joyfully gave, the title was set. Then, the next big de - cision was who would be the debut guest columnist. As spirit would have it, Cam’s dear, vegan friend, Colman McCarthy, a Washington Post syndicated columnist and pacifist journalist, who had recently started the Center for Teaching Peace, agreed to contribute. All the pieces came together beautifully and effortlessly. Ever since, it’s been an incredible, multifaceted journey with the simple goal of inspiring readers, using myriad topics and resources, to help make communi- ties, and this world, more compassionate, just places for all beings, everywhere. Cam is grateful for the many dynamic contributors she has met along the way, who have raised awareness on important, timely is- sues related to animal rights, rights of nature, peace and all matters of social justice, self care/compassion, and spirituality. She is look - ing forward to 25 more years of co-creating with Pathways Magazine and serving the Pathways’ community by discovering new contrib - utors and amplifying the voices of unsung s/heroes, while provid- ing informative, illuminating content for the dedicated readership across the DMV and beyond. Thanks to all who have been connected to this exciting experiment — especially those talented (and patient!) staffers working behind the scenes to bring the publication to life ev - ery quarter — for nearly half a century! Hats off to you! If you have ideas for a column, please contact Cam at ncm.advo -

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PATHWAYS—Fall 23—33

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