SPONSORSHIP PACKAGES SPONSORSHIP LEVELS Contact Executive Director Tina Garcia at 972.664.9808 or tina@swvs.org. SWVS is committed to helping you engage your audience and achieve your goals. We're happy to create unique packages that work best for you. Sponsorship Levels
Title $50,000 (Exclusive)
Diamond $20,000
Platinum $15,000
Gold $10,000
Silver $5,000
B ronze $2,500
Product Showcase • Logo on Commemorative T-Shirt . Logo Scrolling on SWV S Website Homepage • $1,500 Value
Included In All Packages
Inside Front Cover Full-Page Ad $2,700 Value
Inside Back Cover Full-Page Ad $2,700 Value Inside Back Cover Full-Page Ad $2,700 Value
2-Page Spread $2, 4 00 Value
Full-Page Ad $1,100 Value
Full-Page Ad $1,100 Value
Half-Page Ad $550 Value
Ad In Reg Guide
Back Cover Full-Page Ad $2,700 Value 2 Scavenger Locations $2,000 Value
Inside Front Cover Full-Page Ad $2,700 Value
Full-Page Ad $1,100 Value
Half-Page Ad $550 Value
Quarter-Page Ad $275 Value
Ad In On-Site Guide
1 Scavenger Location $1,000 Value
1 Scavenger Location $1,000 Value
1 Scavenger Location $1,000 Value
1 Scavenger Location $1,000 Value
1 Scavenger Location $1,000 Value
Scavenger Hunt
Exclusive Message Emailed to Over 24,000 $2,500 Value Registration Guide and On-Site Guide, Exhibitor Listing and Profiles Custom Facebook & Twitter Message $500 Value
Exclusive Message Emailed to Over 24,000 $2,500 Value Registration Guide and On-Site Guide, Exhibitor Listing and Profiles Custom Facebook & Twitter Message $500 Value
Exclusive Message Emailed to Over 24,000 $2,500 Value Registration Guide and On-Site Guide, Exhibitor Listing and Profiles Custom Facebook & Twitter Message $500 Value
Exclusive Message Emailed to Over 24,000 $2,500 Value Registration Guide and On-Site Guide, Exhibitor Listing and Profiles Custom Facebook & Twitter Message $500 Value
Logo as Sponsor in all E-blasts $1,500 Value Registration Guide and On-Site Guide, Exhibitor Listing and Profiles Custom Facebook & Twitter Message $500 Value
Logo as Sponsor in all E-blasts $1,500 Value Registration Guide and On-Site Guide, Exhibitor Listing and Profiles Custom Facebook & Twitter Message $500 Value
Logo Placement
Social Media
Button Ad & Mobile App $ 2 ,500 Value
Button Ad & Mobile App $ 2 ,500 Value
$1,000 Value Button Ad
Button Ad $1,000 Value
Button Ad $1,000 Value
Website Advertising
Conference Bag Insert
Included $2,000 Value
Included $2,000 Value
Included $2,000 Value
Included $2,000 Value
Included $2,000 Value
Hospitality Hour Exhibit Hall Welcome Reception, Thursday $3,000 Value
Hospitality Hour Exhibit Hall Welcome Reception, Thursday $3,000 Value
Hospitality Hour - Exhibit Hall Welcome Reception, Thursday 200 Drink Tickets $9,000 value
Hospitality Sip-n- Shop Exclusive Sponsor 500 drink tickets $34,000 Value
Hospitality Opportunities
On-Site Meter Board 2 Included $2,400 Value
2 Included $2,400 Value
1 Included $1,200 Value
1 Included $1,200 Value
Exhibitor Satellite Session
Included $3,500 Value
Included $3,500 Value
Included $3,500 Value
Aisle Signage, Exhibit Entrance Hall Banner AND GOBO @ Registra- tion $10,000 Value AND Hotel Suite; $3,700 Value
Aisle Signage AND GOBO @ Registration $3,500 Value
Aisle Signage AND GOBO @ Registration $3,500 Value
Added Extras
Total Value
$7 0 , 0 00
$3 3 , 8 00
$2 6 , 8 00
$1 4 , 9 00
$ 9 , 150
$ 5 , 325
9 SWVS 2020 EXHIBITOR AND SPONSORSHIP PROSPECTUS SWVS is committed to helping you engage your audience and achieve your goals. We’re happy to create unique packages that work best for you.
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