King's Business - 1932-12

December 1932


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

be taken out of the way” (2 Thess. 2 :7, R. V .). First, the translation of the church, “ then shall be revealed the law­ less one.” But we are not opposed to the idea that, if our Lord’s coming is imminent, then the Antichrist may be walking the earth today; and if he is, Mussolini will bear watching—“a candidate,” if you wish to put it that way. When the Antichrist shall appear, he will pose as the Christ. In the beginning of his career, he will not betray his intense antagonism to “ all that is called God” (2 Thess. 2 :4 ). It is not until after he reaches the zenith of his power, and the ten kings “ give their power and strength unto the beast” (Rev. 17:13), that he will raise his fists “ against the God o f gods” (Dan. 11:36), revealing his true character. He will first come masking his ulterior designs under holy pretenses—a humanitarian, a deliverer o f the depressed, a bringer-in of the Golden Age, the sav­ iour of the world. Many shall say, “ Lo, here is Christ” (Matt. 24:23). He will deceive all but “ the elect.” Mus­ solini has had most of the earmarks of the Antichrist. His chief failure to measure up has been his past antagon­ ism to God and the Bible. Is he now warming up to both ? If so, the sublime hypocrite is just adding another ear­ mark. Some day he may look so much like the Christ that the Jews will actually receive him as their Messiah (John 5 :43), and “all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him” (Rev. 13:8). We have been expecting for some time that Mussolini would begin to fawn over the Bible for the same reason that he has fawned at the feet of papa at Rome. So don’t let the holy pretenses of Europe’s “ Man of Mystery” unduly puzzle you. On another page of this same magazine, we read an­ other headline: “ M ussolini ’ s F ascism not A n t i -S em it ic ” W e are told that Mussolini said in an address in Rome to Roumanian journalists: “ Fascism seeks unity; anti-Semitism seeks destruc­ tion and separation. Fascist anti-Semitism, or anti-Se­ mitic Fascism, is a gross absurdity. W e are much amused in Italy when we hear the anti-Semites in Germany seek­ ing to associate Fascism with their anti-Semitism. We also hear from other countries that a Fascism with anti- Semitic coloring is trying to obtain foothold here. W e vig­ orously protest against these attempts to compromise Fas­ cism in this way. Anti-Semitism is a product o f barbarism, while Fascism stands on the highest plane of civilization [Continued on page 512]

etc. And clay is clay, whether on one side of the At­ lantic or the other, and “miry” stuff it is proving to be. “ Uncle Sam” is a very high-stepping gentleman, but just now he is at his wits’ end to keep from miring down com- pletely-—economically, morally, and spiritually. His peo­ ple are frankly in despair; and knowing not what else to call for, they call for beer— “ We want beer!” If the sink­ ing process continues, four years hence—aye, two years hence—we may hear the same cry that ascended and has been answered in other clay nations— “ We want a Dic­ tator!” In less than forty-eight hours from the time we write these words, the world’s greatest democracy is going to meet the greatest test it has yet met. Shall we hopeless­ ly mire—morally and spiritually? If so, we shall continue to mire economically as well, and a desperate call for a saviour shall soon sound. A “ saviour” will answer, but not the Saviour. After a brief and terrible world-reign of a saviour, the sea-to-sea reign of the Saviour will come! Praise ye the Lord ! Figure Out Mussolini If You Can This is the heading of an interesting paragraph in that fine little magazine, Prophecy, edited by Keith L. Brooks. And then the author goes on to say: Here is something that will puzzle those who have considered Mussolini a candidate for the Antichrist. The Life o f Faith (London) recently carried an article by Dr. Alexander Robertson, chaplain at Venice, in which he pictures Mussolini, whom he knows well, as “a Bible- loving Christian.” N o priest or nun is allowed to teach in the schools o f the state, but Mussolini has introduced the Bible into the schools. Says this writer: “ In every school in Italy and in every class in every school, the Bible is read and explained by the lay teacher, whether man or woman. In the elementary classes, only the New Testament is used, and in the higher schools, the whole Bible. I have had a lady teacher come to me to get the exact meaning o f our Lord’s parables, as she had to explain them to the children the next day. The New Testament is the best book in the world Mussolini has declared in public, holding up a copy before all.” Well, we will accept the challenge, and submit some “ figgers” on this “ puzzle” (which is not a puzzle). But understand, as for us, we have never said that Mus­ solini is to be the Antichrist. The Antichrist will not have his revelation until the “ one that restraineth n ow . . .

" G o d and G o g and I 9 3 7 ( ? ) ” This is the subject of Dr. Bauman’s arresting article in the JANUARY issue. The Soviet Republic has handed God His passports and will this Five-Year Program bring to Russia and to all has ordered Him to pack His trunks and get out o f Rus- the world? There is no more interesting subject in all sia, bag and baggage, within the next five years. What the realm of prophecy. Trial Subscription . . .Three Months . . . 25 Cents

The King’s Business 536 So. Hope St. Los Angeles, Calif.



Yes, I know some one who should read Dr. Bauman’s startlingly significant article on Russia. Send a 3 months’ trial subscription for the enclosed 25 cents.

It is not only a privilege but a Christian responsibility to get the truth about Russia into the hands of thinking people. This is your opportunity. Don’t miss itl


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