King's Business - 1932-12

J am i s on ’s Chrono l og i ca l Panor ama of the B i b l e THE MOST WONDE R F UL BI BLE C H A R T E V E R P R I N T E D , AND Price Reduced to $l—

Beautifully Lithographed in nine colors. . . . each color chosen in accordance with its Biblical significance . . . .

It will make a delightful and most appropriate Christmas S ift . We will send it rolled, direct, if desired, stating the name of the donor.

• "A most graphic and picturesque presentation of Scripture Truth" Dr. Stewart P. MacLennan. • "A study of this chart will give the reader a detailed knowledge of the Bible" Prof. Leander S. Keyser. • "A beautiful piece of work and very suggestive" Reverend A. B. Prichard, D.D. • "The most clear and complete chart of Bible history and prophecy

that I have yet seen" Dr. Charles E. Hurlburt. • And . . . many others just like the above.

Lithographed in two sizes:- 17 x 34 inches, now $1.00 post paid, and 4 x 8 feet, $40.00 post paid, ready for hanging. Both printed on fine map cloth.

Orders for the charts, and for further information address PROF. LEWIS H. JAMISON 751 OLIVE AVENUE : LONG BEACH : CALIFORNIA

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