King's Business - 1932-12


December 1932

T h e

K i n g ’ ? B u s i n e s s

JANUARY 22, 1933 JESUS FORGIVING SIN M ark 2:1-12'

Jesus Christ; (c ) their relation to Him? What occurred that showed the mighty power o f the demon? What effect did the miracle have upon the people? Was the ascription o f fame the same as personal acknowledgment of deity? Vs. 29-34. Where did Jesus go when He left the synagogue? What confronted Him there? In the exercise of His ministry of healing, did Jesus limit Himself to a cer­ tain class of individuals who met stated conditions? For what reason, other than to relieve suffering, did Jesus perform miracles o f healing? V. 35. How many rules for prayer can you find in this verse? Golden Text Illustration A painter called upon a fellow artist; finding he was out, he asked for a pencil and paper and left a picture. When his friend returned, he said, “Rubens has been here; none but he could have drawn such a picture.” John the Baptist, when he heard what Jesus was doing, knew that He must be “he that should come.”—T he S unday S chool C hronicle . Jesus Making a Sick Mother Well M ark 1 :30-34 Memory Verse: “ He healed many that were sick” (Mk. 1:34). Approach: Now that Jesus had chosen His helpers, He began to go about the country preaching and teaching. As He went about, He found a great many people who were sick. He felt sorry for them, and because He was the Son of God, He had the power to heal them. L e s s o n S t o r y : that day that she was sick with a fever. They told Jesus about her. “And he came and took her by the hand, and lifted her up; and immediately the fever left her.” And she was able to go about and do her work. Every one who heard o f the miracu­ lous way in which Jesus had cured her came at sunset with their sick. “AH the city was gathered together at the door,” and Jesus healed them. I think He must have been very tired. He had been teaching all day, and now the people wanted Him to work for them on into the night. And Jesus did this for them. He didn’t think about Himself and how tired He was. He just.thought o f the poor, unhappy and sick people and how He could make things better for them. The record tells us that the next morning Jesus rose up “a great while before day” and went out to a quiet place to pray. He was getting ready for the next day’s work. Jesus was never too tired to think of others. God’s plans, like lilies pure and white, unfold; W e must not tear the close-shut leaves apart; Time will reveal the calyxes o f gold. — S elected . One Sabbath evening after Jesus had been preaching in the syna­ gogue all day, He and His disciples, James and John and Andrew and Peter, went to Peter’s h ou se. Now in Peter’s home lived the mother o f Peter’s wife. It happened on

servation of" the houses o f the present day in Palestine, we can form a fairly clear picture of the scene of the events described in today’s lesson. The walls o f the

Golden Text: “The Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins” (Mk. 2: 1 0 ) . ___________. Palestine Houses esus was speaking in a private home when the four men carrying the para­ lyzed one let him down through a hole in the roof to be healed. What sort o f a house was it? What did it look like? From a study of the remains of the houses o f ancient Capernaum, and from an ob­

house were o f stone, hewn just enough to enable them to fit to­ gether when plenty of mortar w a s u s e d .

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