King's Business - 1932-12


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

December 1932

Discussion Material I. T h e B ook D ivine How precious is the Book divine, By inspiration given; Bright as a lamp its doctrines shine, To guide our souls to heaven. This lamp, through all the tedious night O f life shall guide our way, Till we behold the clearer light O f an eternal day. — S elected . II. T h y W ill B e D one With quivering heart and trembling will, The word hath passed thy lips, Within the shadow, cold and still, O f some fair joy’s eclipse— “ Thy will be done,” thy God hath heard, And He will crown that faith-framed word. Thy Father reigns supreme above; The glory of His name Is grace and wisdom, truth and love— His will must be the same. And thou hast asked all joys in one, In whispering forth, “Thy will be done.” — F rances R idley H avergal . JANUARY 15, 1933 HOW UNSELFISH SHOULD WE BE? M a tth ew 16:21-27 Suggestions for the Meeting Scripture Response—John 15:12-14. Leader—-“Greater love hath no man than this.” Response—“ That a man lay down his life for his friends.” Leader— “Ye are my friends.” Response—“ I f ye do whatsoever I command you.” Hymn—“More Like the Master.” Hymn—“More Love to Thee.” Scripture—Matthew 16:21-27. Prayer. Duet—-“ I Want My Life to Tell for Jesus.” Leader’s Message.

Hymn—“ Trying to Walk in the Foot­ steps o f Jesus.” Benediction—John 3 :16 in Concert. Meditation on the Lesson Jesus here told His disciples that He was to be rejected by the rulers o f Israel, slain, and raised again on the third day. How plain apd simple was His language, and yet, His disciples failed to understand H im ! Otherwise, they could not after­ ward have been in such doubt about His death and resurrection. He had not told them before, because their faith in Him as Messiah was not strong enough to en­ dure the revelation o f the Messiah’s shameful death. In their grief at the dis­ closure o f the cross, the disciples over­ looked the bright part o f the revelation— that He would be “raised again the third day.” Peter—the impulsive, the bold, the leader—-took Jesus aside and began to “ re­ buke him.” How utterly mistaken Peter was 1 Officiousness and conceit were min­ gled with love in Peter’s misguided attempt to set his Master right. Peter had glimpsed only a small part o f Christ’s spiritual kingdom, and he still hoped for a material, worldly kingdom. The cross would shatter all such hopes. Christ recognized in Peter His old enemy, Satan, with the same old weapon o f assault—the temptation to pros­ ecute His work by methods which would spare Him the awful agony o f the cross. Christ said to Peter, “ Get thee behind me, Satan [what a fall for the “ rock” o f a few moments before!] : thou art ah offence unto me”—a stumblingblock. W e make Peter’s mistake whenever we try to gain the crown without the cross, re­ ward without labor, love without sacri­ fice. W e make it, too, when we try to hold to_ Christ with one hand and selfish gains with the other. “ By the thorn-road, and none other, Is the mount o f vision won; Tread it without shrinking, brother! Jesus trod it—press thou on !” Jesus then declared the necessity o f cross-bearing for all His followers. It was part o f the consequences of confessing Him. “ If any man will [wills to, purposes to] come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.” Christ’s way was the way o f the cross, and the disciple is not above his Master. “Jesus, I my cross have taken, All to leave and follow Thee, Naked, poor, despised, forsaken, Thou from hence, my all shalt be, Perish, every fond ambition, All I’ve sought, or hoped, or known, , Yet how rich is my condition, God and heaven are still my own.” Discussion Material I. S entence S ermons W e must not only give up sin, we must give up self.— S elected . Whatever price you pay for the world, you leave the world behind you when you pass the gate o f death.— V in cen t . Let our Lord’s hand square us and ham­ mer us, and strike off the knots o f pride, self-love, and world-worship in His Fa­ ther’s house.— R utherford . n L esson T houghts Christ calls for the surrender o f self- will. It is one thing for a man to deny

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