King's Business - 1932-12


December 1932

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

vinced more quickly and certainly by what they see than by what they hear,” said Doctor Babcock. “It is not, ‘Let your lips speak,’ but, ‘Let your light shine.’ The living epistle is not known and heard of all men, but known and read.” — S elected . III. F ulfilling a H ig h C alling The followers of Christ are not fulfilling their high calling unless they are shedding abroad in the spiritual world such knowl­ edge, good cheer, and beauty as light be­ stows. He used of them the same words He uses of Himself, the light of the world. If the light that is in Christ’s followers be darkness, God pity the world deprived o f assurance, joy, and grace.— T h e I nterior . IV. A P rayer O God, my Father, teach me how to love And to my life a better purpose give; Let my poor lips Thy glorious gospel tell, And in my heart, O mighty Spirit, dwell. Teach me to live that each departing day, May find me farther on the upward way; Teach me to live that others seeing me May be constrained to praise and honor ■ Thee. Teach me to live, Lord, let my life shine out Amid a world of darkness, sin, and doubt; And may my feeble, faltering effort win Some fallen soul from out the ways of sin. —W . P . G row . This is another delightful book from the prolific pen o f this anonymous Christian whose writings have enriched the church. The author recognizes the cross as the very heart o f the gospel. He deals entirely with the incidents relative to the crucifixion. Particular emphasis is laid upon the say­ ings of Christ on the cross. The book will prove exceedingly helpful as a devotional study. 92 pages. Marshall, Morgan & Scott, Ltd. Price SO cents. Bible Verses to Memorize B y H elen M iller G ould S hepard This well-bound little volume should be o f inestimable use, especially to parents and teachers of children, who realize the im­ portance of the “golden memory years” in the life o f every child. It is a collection o f choice passages from the Bible, each given in full and arranged according to subject. For many years, Mrs. Shepard has urged Bible memorization, and her selected por­ tions have been translated into more than a score of languages. As she herself says, “ It is my earnest prayer that God will bless this effort, and that many persons may be led to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and into a deeper spiritual life.” 96 pages. American Tract Society. Cloth. Price 50 cents. Chronological Panorama of the Bible B y L ew is H. J am iso n Jamison’s New Chronological Panorama of the Bible, lithographed in nine colors, is a remarkable multicolored commentary on the entire Bible. Dr. Jamison has done a great service to the church in the prepara­ tion o f this comprehensive chart. It is heartily commended to readers o f T h e K in g ’ s B u sin ess . Size 17x34 inches. Printed on fine map cloth. Price $1.00 each. Copies may be obtained from the author, Rev. Lewis H. Jamison, 751 Olive Ave., Long Beach, Calif. The Gospel from the Cross B y a n U n k n o w n C h ristian

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"C'lEAR of an uncertain future is the terror of thou- sands — but there is a certain group of splendid Christian folk who have put fear behind them and face the future serene and unafraid. They are the annuitants of the American Bible Society. They know that as long as they live their annuity check will come regularly every six months, for in over eighty years of issuing annuities the American Bible Society has not missed a single payment. They know too that they are partners in a great enterprise spreading widely the cheer and comfort of the Book of Books. Send for the new illustrated booklet “A Gift That Lives.”

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AMER ICAN BIBLE SOCIETY Bible House, Astor Place, New York City Please send me, without obligation, your booklet No. KB-20 entitled “A Gift That Lives.”

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