King's Business - 1932-12


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

December 1932

The message of Thy wondrous love pro­ claim; For Thou hast come to break the chains of bondage, And give full pardon through Thy saving name. Speak it within each troubled heart, O Saviour, Soothe Thou each grief, and bid the sor­ rows cease; Hush Thou each fear, and calm each vain foreboding, With the sweet benediction of Thy peace. — R u th T h o m a s . DECEMBER 26 “ Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me” (Psa. 51: 10 ). Had David not believed that pardon was possible, this song would never have been sung; but having looked at himself, he swiftly looks at God, who will purge him, wash him, renew him, heal him, gladden him, deliver him, restore him, and all by creating in him a clean heart. The radical wrong is not in our surroundings, but in our souls . . . There’s no use of washing the clock’s face while the mainspring is broken. DECEMBER 27 “ Thy tongue deviseth mischiefs; like a sharp razor, working deceitfully” (Psa. 52:2). What is it that is denounced? Malicious talking, one of the tongue’s cardinal sins. For talk to be malicious it need not be un­ true, for malice is a matter of motive. Doeg told Saul that David had gone to Ahimelech at Nob, and had been received by him. That was true, but why did Doeg tell Saul that? It is his motive that made his matter malicious. Doeg’s design was not to deliver but to damn David, and he was proud o f it. Words are for use and not abuse, as a razor is to shave with and not to slay w ith; but the use a man will make o f his tongue is determined by what he loves in his heart. DECEMBER 28 “ The goodness o f God endureth contin­ ually” (Psa. 52:1). In the midst of the arraignment, how im­ pressive is the thought, “ The goodness of God endureth continually” ! . . . The boast­ ing o f the wicked against the righteous cannot avail, for God’s goodness to the lat­ ter “ endures all the day.” Are you the victim o f malicious talk? God’s love is all around you as an ocean round an island. God is our Refuge, tried and proved, Amid a stormy world; We will not fear, though earth be moved, And hills in ocean hurled. When earth and hell against us came, He spake, and quelled their powers; The Lord o f Hosts is still the same; The God of grace is ou rs! — H enry F. L yte . DECEMBER 29 "I will praise thy name, O Lord; for it is good” (Psa. 54:6). From petition prayer, David proceeds to praise prayer . . . It is the Covenant God whom he praises, the One who has under­ taken the cause o f His people, and will per-


actually starving now, and every day it becomes worse. We have become like skeletons, there is no more, strength left either to sing or walk. The Lord alone comforts us all in our sorrows. “Almost every night we are compelled to put our children to bed by force hungry,' to say noth­ ing Of ourselves. My wife is very sick, and if support will not come, at least for some time, she will collapse altogether, and what shall I do with four children?. , “Please do not refuse my request. Tell good friends who might give at least some crumbs for us. Pray for us that the Lord might give us strength to follow Him. “Your Brother Clement. H ow my heart bled as I read this letter! And this missionary is only one of many who are thus suffering. N o missionary can at present be sent to Soviet Russia. But there are hundreds of earn­ est, faithful evangelists who already ARE in Russia, and many more in Poland and Soviet border countries, ready to give their whole time to soul-winning work, if only their scanty needs are taken care of. W e are praying for 1,000 churches, Sunday-schools, Bible classes, or individual Christians to undertake the sup­ port of one missionary each. To Help Evangelize 180 Millions A married missionary can be supported for $60:00 a month. A single missionary for $35:00 a month, Bible colporteur for $20.00 a month, and a Russian orphan in our orphan­ age, for $10.00 a month. N o time must be lost, if we really have at heart the Lord’s cause on the far-flung mission field. Please pray earnestly and then— What­ soever He tells you to do, do it with all your might. Our monthly illustrated missionary maga­ zine, THE FRIEND OF MISSIONS, will be sent to every donor. This magazine gives first­ hand, authentic information about Soviet Rus­ sia and God’s work among the Russian people. I nformation .— The Russian Missionary So­ ciety is the oldest mission work among Rus­ sians, established in London, England, in 1907. Home Director and Treasurer: Rev. M. Billes- ter; Founder: Pastor William Fetler. C ouncil of R eference CanonDyson Hague Rev. Charles Fuller Rev. Oswald J. Smith Rev. David Hackett Rev. A. B. Winchester Rev. Alex. Hackson Rev. J. B. Thomson Rev. A. J. Vining Rev. W. M. McGuire James Acton, Esq. H. E. Irwin, Esq., K.C. M ission B oard Rev. John Linton, B.A., Chairman; Rev. W. A. Nisbet, B.A., Vice-Chairman; Walter T. Clark, M.D., Treasurer; Rev. J. F. Holliday, B.A., Sec­ retary; Rev. J. H. Dyke; Rev. H. W. Dart, B. A., Rev. J. F. Anderson; Rev. A. J. Love; Rev. Wm. John Scott, Representative for British Columbia; Rev. Andrew Imrie, B.A., B.Th.,D.D., Representative for Alberta; Rev. Oscar Gunner- feldt, State Secretary for Michigan. Gifts may be sent to The Russian Mission­ ary Society, Inc., Western office, 721 N. Stan­ ley Avenue, Los Angeles, Calif., or Eastern office, 4910 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa., or Canadian office, 68 Dundas Street, W ., Toronto, Ont., Can.

A GREAT white nation is perishing. The S 4 believers among that nation are the present-day Martyr Church of the world. The sufferings of the Christians in Soviet Rus­ sia are indescribable. Their pastors and preach­ ers are deprived of the privileges of citizenship. Children are compelled to denounce their be­ lieving parents and faith in God in order to be admitted into any of the Soviet Schools. No Bible is allowed officially to be printed or im­ ported. N o Sunday-school can be held. No Young People’s meeting organized. N o Gospel Choir can sing in this land of midnight darkness. And yet there are our brethren and sisters in the Lord who are willing to undergo the most cruel privations, even unto death, rather than to worship the Beast. They are members of the same body of Christ to which we belong. Do their sufferings mean nothing to us? Is it nothing to you, all ye that pass hy ? The Russian Missionary Society is doing its utmost to reach with the Gospel those who sit in the shadow of death. Many thousands of dollars of support of missionaries and of relief have been sent by us into Soviet Russia, and also for Gospel W ork among Russian fugitives and orphans. But with the depression their needs have become exceedingly acute, and we are facing the sad fact of dismissing many workers on the mission field, and considerably reducing the allowances of those who remain. This great sacrifice can yet be prevented, IF THE LORD’S PEOPLE IN AMERICA AND CANADA W ILL QUICKLY HASTEN TO THEIR HELP. Here is part o f a recent letter from one of our suffering evangelists: “We are watchful in the Lord in spite of all« (he threatenings of the enemy of our soul. We are passing through a very heavy time. We are

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