King's Business - 1932-12


R obert C r u m l y

Because a Babe was born in Bethlehem One blessed day, long centuries ago,

The light of truth— which glimmered pale and dim Before H e came— now shines with perfect glow. And wise men still their willing tributes pay To Him who in a lowly manger lay! Because a Babe was born in Bethlehem A greater glory crowns each mother s brow'. And children, hearing how God honored them, Draw near to Him with eager spirits now! And who can find — where’er his steps may roam — A sweeter haven than the Christian home? Because a Babe was born in Bethlehem Sad hearts have learned again- the joy of song, While slaves who pined in dungeons dar\ and grim Have come to march with liberty along; And coward souls— made fearless through His Word — Have braved derision, exile, fire, and sword. A multitude, from every age and clime, Shall see God’s face, and with His seraphim Sing praises to Emmanuel’s name sublime. 0 ransomed throng! ye well may magnify The Lamb who died that ye might live on High! Because a Babe was born in Bethlehem

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