King's Business - 1932-12

December 1932


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

God that performeth all things for me” (Psa. 57:2). What was the secret of David’s confi­ dence? God Most High, to whom he turns and whom he trusts. . . The two divine at­ tributes which David looks to in his time o f trouble are mercy and truth. These come from heaven to earth, and reach from earth to heaven. God is to him as a mother bird, under whose warm and pro­ tecting wings he will be secure. This ex­ plains how he can lie down to rest among fiery foes. A man with such faith has a steadfast and songful heart. God is a safe place in sore peril. This is an evening psalm, and he who lies down trusting wakes up trilling. JANUARY 7 "O turn thyself to us again . . . thou hast shewed thy people hard things” (Psa. 60: 1,3). David recognizes that the defeat wh'ich his army had suffered, and the trouble into which the people had been brought, was the work o f God, and was in consequence of Israel’s unfaithfulness. When Israel was right with Jehovah, the army was invin­ cible, but when the people sinned, they suf­ fered defeat. For illustration o f this, read Joshua 6 to 8. What was true o f the nation then is true of us individually now. Righteousness brings victory, and sin brings defeat. God cannot bless one who is doing wrong, and God never fails to bless those who do right. JANUARY 8 “Hear my cry, O God; . . . lead me to the rock that is higher than I” (Psa. 61: 1 2 ). David’s “heart is wrapped in gloom.” Why? Because he is involuntarily away from the Holy City and the sanctuary, and though geographically the distance it not great, yet he seems to be “at the end of the earth.” “ Love and longing are potent magnifiers o f space.” But he prays and asks that God would lead him to and put him on a rock too high for him to reach without God’s help. He believes his prayer will be answered, for God has in time past been his refuge and strong tower in the face o f the foe. JANUARY 9 “In God is my salvation and my glory: the rock o f my strength, and my refuge, is in God” (Psa. 62:7). God is revealed in power and loving­ kindness and righteousness. What a com­ bination o f ideas! What miraculous com­ pression o f thought! What comfort for our souls! Both mercy and judgment are harnessed to power. God is never kind at the expense o f justice. God has declared this once, and we should hear it tw ice; each ear should hear this one word, and hear­ ing, we should heed. There is great strength in silence. Bear and forbear, and silent be, Tell to no man thy misery; Yield not in trouble to dismay, God can deliver any day. — M artin L uth er . JANUARY 10 “My soul shall be satisfied, as with mar­ row and fatness” (Psa. 63:5). The way of satisfaction—this is by “cleaving after God,” which means that the soul may at once cleave and pursue. In this

Our WorkMUST Go Forward In the lig h t o f the G osp el com m an d w h a t is y ou r re sp o n sib ility tow a rd In d ia ’s 351 m illio n s?

“ Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do ? ” In ou r te rrito rie s alon e are 1,000,000 p reciou s sou ls fo r w h om C hrist died, and o b e y in g G od’s ca ll to GO F O R W A R D effo rts are b e in g m ade to en ter other u n ev a n g elized areas. “Whatsoever He saith unto you do it.” In Our Fields: 68 sta tio n s an d ou tstation s. 42 m ission a ries, e x clu d in g th ose on hom e staff. 139 n a tive h elpers. 183 ch ild ren , inm ates o f fo u r orph an hom es. F ou n d ed 1893 A F a ith W o rk Interdenominational International Write for information concerning C. I. G. M. Prayer Fellow­ ship and for sample copy “ Darkness and Light ” CEYLON AND INDIA GENERAL MISSION 155 Institute Place Chicago, Illinois Write to David MacNaughton, Secretary

Christian Faith and Life A Monthly Magazine for men in every walk in life. Theolo­ gians, Educators, Scientists, Ministers, Students, and Laymen of every continent are listed among its readers. It has a Fundamental Conviction. It is that Truth belongs to man in his total nature; and that mere intellect can never arrive. It has a Fundamental Faith. It is that the Bible is God’s super­ natural redemptive self-disclosure, crowned in Jesus Messiah His Eternal Son, Who is Truth. To this Faith it seeks to relate all facts. By this Faith it measures all speculations. Above all it sees Christ tower, and to enthrone Him both in faith, in worship, in science, is its devotion. HAROLD PAUL SLOAN, D.D., LL.D., Editor-in-Chief FRANK J. BOYER, Managing Editor ITS DEPARTMENTAL EDITORS: C h ristian E vidence : Bishop H. M. D uB ose, D.D., LL.D. C urrent S cientific D iscoveries : George McCready Price, M.A. T h e C h u rc h in E urope : Frederick Hasskarl, B.D. R eviews of R ecent B ooks : Professor Leander S. Keyser, M.A., D.D.

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Ably edited, admirable in its teaching— B ishop W. A. C andler , D.D., LL.D. An evangel of righteousness unafraid, a clarion call to a deeper spiritual life.— D ean G eorge A. W alk , D.D. A mighty champion of the faith—W. M. Cox, E sq . Scholarly out not technical, popular but not shallow, vigorous but not emotional. —P rop . H. W. M agoun , P h .D.

Both scholarly and spiritual. Fine!— R oy T almage B rumbaugh , D.D. I like its comprehensiveness and its em­ phasis on the supernatural.—M ilton H arold N ichols , D.D.

#I read more than 20 religious maga­ zines but do not know of any similar to and to be compared with it.—G eorge J. B usdicker , D.D. CHRISTIAN FAITH AND LIFE, Reading, Pa.

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