King's Business - 1932-12

December 1932


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

We should distinguish between haste and hurry. God never hurries, and we never should, but sometimes He does hasten; He did when the prodigal came home. JANUARY 15 “ Cast me not off in the time of old age; forsake me not when my strength faileth” (Psa. 71:9). Happy is he whose old age spurns im­ potence and hopelessness, who still has an interest in life, and who is willing and eager to share his long experience with those who are working only on their zeal. This writer says, “I will hope continually, and will praise thee yet more and more.” Despondency need not go with decrepi­ tude, though it often does.- “A many-win- tered saint should be a convincing witness for God,” and he will be if, as in this case, God is his strong habitation, his rock, and fortress, and refuge. The spirit can be young when the bones are old. Christmas Sermon Outlines God’s Christinas Gift I saiah 9:6 I. It Was a Great Love Which Planned the Gift. “ God so loved that he gave.” It was a love that passeth knowledge. It was for weaklings, ungodly, sinners, strangers, aliens, rebels, hell-deserv­ ing. II. It Was a Great Life Which Pro­ vided It. “ The Son o f the Highest,” “that Holy Thing”—He was born as no other man; lived as no other man; taught as no other man; and wrought as no other man. He was the incarnation o f perfection. III. It Was a Great Price Which Pur­ chased It. He gave Himself. The price o f the gift was the death o f God’s Son—the blood o f God, precious blood, incor­ ruptible price, a natural death, an un­ natural death, a supernatural death, a substitutionary death—ransoming, redeeming, and reconciling death. IV. There Is Great Joy When God’s Gift Is Possessed. 1. The message o f the angel. “ I bring you good tidings o f great joy.” This has been our experience. 2. The experience o f Peter. “Joy unspeakable and full of glory.” 3. The experience o f every believer, It will be your experience if you will only believe and receive Christ into your heart by faith. —H. C. F ulton . I. To God. “Glory to God in the highest” (cf. John 17:14). II. To the World. “ On earth peace”—if accepted. 1. Peace with God (Rom . 5:1 ). 2. Peace o f God (Phil. 4:7 ). 3. Peace under God’s rule (Isa. 9 : 6, 7). III. To Those Who Love Him. “ Good will among men in whom he is well pleased” (cf. 2 Cor. 5:18). — E lizabeth M c C all . Christ’s Christmas Gifts L u k e 2:14

exercise, we are divinely upheld. One rendering of this is, “My soul did hang upon Thee, and Thy right hand did hold me fast.” I f we’ll hang on Him, He’ll hold us. This reminds us o f Wesley’S lines: “Hangs my helpless soul on Thee; Still suppqrt and comfort me.” With God’s sure promise o f help, we need not. envy our enemies their short-lived triumphs, but rather should give ourselves up to “rejoice in God.” Are you satisfied? If not, why not? JANUARY 11 “ Hide me from . . . the wicked . . . who whet their tongue like a sword” (Psa. 64; 2 ,3 ). It is high time that we paid respectful attention to this matter of the ethics of speech, for our thoughtlessness or mali­ ciousness in the matter is doing incalcul­ able harm alike in the church and world. David calls his detractors evil-doers and a noisy crowd, and prays that he may be guarded from fear, from the alarm which their secret counsels would naturally ex­ cite. He then describes their sin. The in­ strument o f it is their tongue, and this is likened first to a whetted sword, and then to a poisoned arrow. JANUARY 12 "The river o f God . . . is full o f water . . . Thou crownest the year with thy good­ ness; and thy paths drop fatness" (Psa. 65:9, 11). He. who blesses us, first of all gives to us the desire to be blessed. “The river of God . . . is full o f water.” Our poor irri­ gation ditches soon run dry, but His river is ever at flood-tide; therefore dwell by the river. The processes which make for har­ vest are typical o f God’s methods with the soul (Psa. 65:10-13). Is your life like that? Every year is crowned with good­ ness which is filled with G od ; but self and emptiness go together. Lord, soften me with Thy showers. JANUARY 13 “Let the righteous be glad; let them re­ joice before God : . . . extol him that rideth upon the heavens” (Psa. 68:3, 4). The whole psalm is a paean o f praise; it throbs with exultation; in it we hear the roar o f battle, melting in the song o f tri­ umph. The Lord is the Victor, and His people are the crowned. The great truth and message o f this psalm is that God is to be finally triumphant and universally sovereign, and that is implied which is not plainly declared that this victory and sov­ ereignty are to be realized through Christ. But what in the future shall be true in the experience of the world may in the present be true in the experience o f each o f us. JANUARY 14 “Make haste, O God, to deliver me; make haste to help me, O Lord" (Psa! 70:1). None o f us would turn a deaf ear to the cry o f “help,” and if that were accom­ panied with “make haste,” how swift would be our action! If, then, man heeds every S.O.S., will God be indifferent? On the contrary we are exhorted to “ draw near to the throne o f grace with boldness, that we may receive mercy, and may find grace to help in time o f need” (in the nick o f time).

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