

3 rd annual Jamming for Hospice set for November FRANCIS RACINE

Menard and $500 was donated with the help of 20 musicians and as many patrons. The second edition of JFH honoured Her- rington, who passed away on Christmas Day 2012. Over 20 musicians, including friends Ed Lauzon, Trevor Walsh and Paul Deslauriers participated in the event, rais- ing over $2500 for the Cornwall Hospice. The 3 rd annual

CORNWALL | Patti Edwards was inspired to create Jamming for Hospice (JFH) by her friend Paul Herrington in 2012, when

he informed her he was ill and missed performing various

fundraiser will be held on November 16 at the Agora Center from 2 to 10 p.m. Over 30 musi- cians are scheduled to perform. To make the evening per- sonal, each band/

When I found out that the Cornwall Hospice relies a lot on donations, I put the idea together with help from Paul and many other musicians

musical pieces with his friends. Edwards therefore decided to undertake the cre- ation of a fundraiser in honor of both Her- rington and her late friend Reg Ménard, who passed away while at the Cornwall Hospice. “When I found out that the Cornwall Hos- pice relies a lot on donations, I put the idea together with help from Paul andmany oth- er musicians.” The first year, JFH honoured

performer has been asked to dedicate at least one song to someone alive or passed away. A silent and live auction will also take place, as well as a buffet.

Étrange découverte Un garçon de 10 ans a bien surpris sa mère lorsque celui-ci est revenu du parc de jeux situé au restaurant McDonald sur l’Avenue Brookdale, avec une bouteille ouverte de rhum entre les mains. Sa mère, qui déjeunait, s’est dite exaspérée. «Que serait-il arrivé si mon fils avait décidé de boire de la bouteille? J’ai parlé au gérant de la succursale. Il m’a dit que le parc n’avait pas été vérifié. C’est leur responsabilité de garder nos enfants hors de danger.» Le propriétaire de la franchise, Charles Gagnon, a dit avoir examiné les caméras de sécurité et en a déduit que quatre adolescents se seraient glissés dans le parc.

Le 4 novembre, viens voir comment ta vie va changer.


Une diversité qui nous unit

Portes ouvertes La Cité 4 novembre 2014, de 10h à 14h et de 17h à 20h

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