
PRACTICE THE BASICS: Home Safety Check-Up 101

By: Josh McCormick

C an you guess which tool in the van brings in the most revenue each year? It’s not a screwdriver, it’s not a circuit tester, it’s the Home Safety Check (HSC). Just like the other tools in the bag, you need to understand how to use it properly. You cannot afford to misuse a tool this important. Let’s take some time and explore the Home Safety Check and learn how to close more sales and have a higher job average, with happier customers. You have two options on completing the HSC. Most of us will use the form in ServiceTitan, which is accessed on the “Forms” tab on your iPad. We also have a paper copy that can be used. Remember, if you use the paper copy make sure to take a picture of the completed form and upload it to the job. There is a step-by-step process to complete the HSC, and if you don’t follow it, you are wasting your time. Let’s talk about best practices when using the HSC.

The first HSC best practice is consistency. In other words, complete this on every sold job, and a minimum of 80 percent completion for all jobs overall. If we don’t offer the HSC, we can’t generate tasks. If we don’t generate tasks, we can’t rightfully offer services to our customer. If we don’t offer services to our customer, they certainly can’t buy from us. And, if they aren’t buying from you, you aren’t getting what you are worth! The HSC’s second best practice is to always complete and properly review the HSC before ever giving the quote. This means we never provide a quote or any price until completing and properly reviewing the HSC. The only exception would be introducing the diagnostic fee early. Reviewing the HSC properly is one of the most important duties of your job and will have the greatest impact on your paycheck. Once you’ve completed the HSC and have taken photos, noted and

There is a step-by-step process to complete the HSC, and if you don’t follow it, you are wasting your time.


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