King's Business - 1959-02


P a r t I I THE VISION THAT MADE BIOLA GREAT * * + G eorge Wash ington and Pro ian itg * * MABEL CULTER and her school


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The Accent is On S erv ice , the story of the Christian Worker's Service Bureau


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In th ese Southern Californiti Churches

FULLERTON Temple Baptist Church

W E ST COV INA Bethany Baptist Church TORRANCE First Baptist Church

VEN ICE Venice Baptist Church

D O W N E Y First Baptist Church

LONG REACH North Long Beach Brethren Church

Church o f the Open Door 6th and Hope Streets


Sponsoretl by

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”do you make these mistakes in teaching 4’s and 5’s?” Do you expect them to worship the same way you do or do you guide them to spontaneous worship through things they see and hear? D o you lead them or command them? D o you have a one hour baby-sitting session or an hour o f enjoyable learning experiences? Teaching Beginners can be a satisfying, resultful experience with age-slanted materials and techniques. Take this step to more effective teaching. Send for this folder. You ’ll gain new insight into why your 4’s and 5’s act the way they do . . . how to reach them more effectively for Christ in the Sunday School class. Y ou ’ll appreciate the helpful tips on teaching and the new teaching techniques made, available to you through Scripture Press lesson materials that exalt the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord. Descriptive folders on other departments, too. Send for them today.

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Here is why more and more schools each year use Scripture Press All-Bible Graded Sunday School lessons. They’re . . . 1* ALL-BIBLE —not just selected Scripture portions, but the entire Word. 2. GRADED DEPARTMENTALLY—Bible portions adapted to in­ terests and understanding of pupils as they grow. Educational­ ly as well as Scripturally sound. 3. CORRELATED — to tie all parts of a lesson to one central lesson truth. 4. TIMELY— freshly edited each quarter to meet each pupil’s needs with Scripture to live by. 5. PROVED —-by successful teachers in over 70 denominations on all 6 continents. 6. ADAPTABLE — to any size school, for every age-level. 7. COMPLETE —everything to aid in teaching, to stimulate Bible learning.


THE KING'S BUSINESS A publication of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor S. H. Sutherland, President •

Ray A. Myers, Chairman of the Board

FEBRUARY, in the year of our Saviour Nineteen Hundred and Fifty-Nine

Vol. 50, No. 2

Established 1910

Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home

Articles THE VISION THAT MADE BIOLA GREAT— Betty Bruechert ......... 9 THE OVERFLOWING LIFE — Robert Lee ................................................. 14 PROPHECY SECTION — edited by Charles L. Feinberg ....................... 15 BUILDING A NEW HOME — Martha S. Hooker ................................... 18 A JEW FINDS THE MESSIAH — Daniel Rose ......................................... 20 WHEN THE DEACON TALKED IN CHURCH ......................................... 34 CHRISTIAN WORKER'S SERVICE BUREAU .............................................. 42 MABEL CULTER AND HER SCHOOLS ................................................... .. 48 Features UNDER THE PARSONAGE ROOF — Althea S. Miller ......................... 6 HYMNS YOU LOVE — Phil Kerr ........................... .................................. 8 DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX ..... ....................................................... 22 ALUMNI NEWS — Inez McGahey ....................................... .................... 25 BOOK REVIEWS — Arnold Ehlert ......... ................................ ......... ....... 28 WORLD NEWSGRAMS — J. 0 . Henry ...................................................... 30 PERSONAL EVANGELISM — Benjamin Weiss ......................................... 37 SCIENCE AND THE BIBLE — Bolton Davidheiser ................................. 38 THE CHRISTIAN HOME — Paul Boyles ........................ ......................... 39 TALKING IT OVER — Clyde Narramore ................................................... 40 MAKING MELODY — Ralph Carmichael ......................................... ........ 41 ACCENT ON YOUTH — Ken Poure ............................................................. 50 Columns LETTERS ........................................... ............. ........ ................................. 4 EDITORIAL — S. H. Sutherland ................................................................... 5 PEOPLE IN THE NEWS ..................................................................................... 7 HOMILETICAL HELPS ............................................................... ..................... 33 TOWN AND CAMPUS | ................................... ................................................. 44 Cover The Bible reminds us that there is only one means whereby a man may find eternal life. In the words of the Lord Jesus, " I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by m e." May our February cover remind us of that only way to peace, joy and eternal life, for the way of the cross leads home.

DID YOU KNOW . . . That "wai” (pronounced "Y ” ) in Hawaiian means "water” ? . . . That "ala” in Hawaiian means "way” ? AND DID YOU KNOW . . . That KAIM and KAIM-FM, Hawaii’s only missionary radio sta­ tions, are daily presenting to the spiritually needy in the Islands the only true and living "Ala” . . . and the "Wai” of Life? THAT'S RIGHT . . . The music and message of the Gospel is being beamed into thou­ sands of homes that would never otherwise hear the good news of "He Aloha Ke Akua” . . . "The Love of God” . . . and WE'D LIKE YOU TO KNOW . . . That you can have a very real part in this vital air ministry, too. WANT TO KNOW HOW? . . . We’ll gladly tell you. Just clip the handy coupon below and send it to us, "KAIM, Box 375, Honolulu, T.H.”

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S. H. SUTHERLAND: editor JANE M. CLARK: circulation manager

J. RUSSELL ALLDER: business manager ROBERT MILLSPAUGH: coordinator

editorial board Irene Boyd, Bolton Davidheiser, Arnold D. Ehlert, Charles L. Feinberg, Edward Hayes, James O. Henry, Martha S. Hooker, Chester J. Padgett, Al Sanders, Oran H. Smith, Gerald B. Stanton

Please tell me more about the Hawaii Christian Broadcasting Association.

SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION — "The King's Business" is published monthly: U.S., its possessions, and Canada, $3.00, one year; $1.50, six months; 25 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Foreign subscriptions 50 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES — Should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to "The King's Business." ADVERTISING— For information address the Advertising Manager, The King's Business, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California.

MANUSCRIPTS — "The King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Second-class postage paid at Los An­ geles, California. Acceptance for moiling at special rate of postage provided for in the Act of February 28, 1925, em­ bodied in paragraph 4, section 538, P.L. and R., authorized October 1, 1918, and November 13, 1938. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The King's Business, 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California.

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when Rome declares: “ The Roman Catholic Church . . . must demand the right of freedom for herself alone... in a state where the majority of the people are Catholic, the Church will require that legal existence be denied to error.. . " (from Civiltà Cattolica" April, 1948) when the Church of Rome disclaims responsibility for bru- tal persecution of Protestants in Colombia, Spain and * other countries. when the Roman Catholic Church defies the American law and declares Invalid mixed marriages performed before a Protestant clergyman or a Justice of the Peace. when Roman clergy assert their right to censor for all Americans what appears In our newspapers, In our magazines, In our theatres, and on our radio and tele­ vision. FREE Ball Point P en with each Subscription*

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CHRISTIAN HERITAGE, the magazine of Christian freedom, speaks forthrightlyandfearlessly onthese and other controversial issues of our day. You'll appre­ ciate its frankness—you'll enjoy its fine reporting—you'll find it factual and well- documented. It isevangelical, preaches God's Word and exalts Jesus Christ. ALERT PROTESTANTS WHO REAO THE CHRISTIAN c HERITAGE ARE AWARE OF THESE DANGERS. ARE YOU ONE?-SUBSCRIBE TODAY.

Dear Sirs: Just a note to tell you that I think I have read and enjoyed more of the last copy of the K in g ’ s B u sin e ss than any other published since I first started read­ ing it in 1947. I liked your format, selection of articles and features, but, above all else, I think there was something of a consecrated forthrightness which seems to be so vital today. I trust you will continue to give us many short, concise, challenging arti­ cles. I hope “ People in the News” and World Newsgrams can be expanded. Paul Hogue, Moorpark, Calif. Dear Dr. Sutherland: M y soul was thrilled and edified as I read your recent editorial in the K in g ’ s B u sin e ss , “ I Am a Fundamentalist.” This is a noble testimony for which we give God our lasting thanks. G . R. Siemens, D.D., Administrative Vice President, Baptist Bible College, Denver Colorado. Words From Afar Dear Friends: W e are grateful for the K in g ’ s B u sin e ss and the many articles. “ Under the Par­ sonage Roof” has been a great blessing to us here in Africa. Joe and Jessie Beckett , North Nigeria, Africa. Dear Dr. Talbot: I love your magazine. I wish it was in every Christian home, and other homes, too, for that matter. Rev. Thomas E. Morrison, Decatur, Illi­ nois. Appreciates Magazine Dear Sirs: Your last issue of the K in g ’ s B u sin e ss is the best I’ve seen in months. The cover is tops. Also the content level has greatly improved. Keep up the good work. William J. Sweeting, Th.D., Theological Consultant and Adult Editor, Baptist Sun­ day School Publications, Denver, Colorado. Editorials Appreciated

Christ’s Mission, Inc., 369 Carpenter Ave., Sea Cliff, N. Y. K Please entermysubscriptiontoCHRISTIANHERITAGEfor........... year(s). Ienclose $...................... incheckormoneyorder.Q Bill me

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Apostlelo the JEWS! Significantly Paul, who car­ ried the gospel to the Gentiles, always followed the injunction of Rom. 1:16 “ to the Jew first and also to the Greek.” At Salamis he and Barnabas “ preached the word of God in the synagogues of the Jews.” (Acts 13:5). At Antioch Paul “ went into the synagogue on the sabbath day.” (Acts 13:14). In Iconium they “ went both together into the synagogue . . . and so spake, that a great multitude both of the Jews and also of the Greeks believed.” (Acts 14:1). You will enjoy rich fellowship when you help us carry the gos­ pel to the Jews as Paul did. Even in Rome “ Paul called the chief of the Jews together” (Acts 28:17) and gave them the mes­ sage first. Bringing the gospel to the Jews brings blessing to the Gen­ tiles. Never in our mission have we had a baptism service where there was not at least one Gen­ tile baptized together with the Jews. Let this God-given blessing become yours by joining us with your gifts and prayers for the salvation of the Jewish brethren of our Lord. Write for free liter- ■ ature today. AMERICAN BOARD OF MISSIONS---------- TO THE JEWS, INC. \ 1 I 236 West 72nd Street, Dept. 8 | New York 23 , N.Y. Canadian Office: • 39 King William St., Hamilton, Ont., Canada Please send me free folder showing how I I I may help carry the gospel to Israel. Enclosed I is $................................. for my part in the work | you ore doing. I Name.......................................................................... \ I Address...................................................................... I I City.......................... Zone........ State.................. |

"Your actions speak so loud, I can't hear what you say !" As Christians, our lives should be so ordered that people would say of us, "Your actions speak so loud, I can't help but believe what you say. " In these days of stress and strain in our daily lives there is one outstanding characteristic which we, as Christians, are called upon to reveal. It is spoken of in Scripture in connection with the fruit of the Spirit. We refer to the distinctly Christian character­ istic of JOY. Our Lord says, in John's Gospel account, chapter 15, verse 11, "these things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full. There is a vast distinction between joy and happi­

ness. Happiness depends on outside cir­ cumstances, whereas j o y s p r i n g s f r o m within. The world can know only happi­ ness, it can never know real joy. This is the reason people are frequently search­ ing, first one place and then another, trying to find joy, thinking that the out­ ward circumstances will satisfy the in­ ward longings of the heart. They do not find joy in this way, indeed they cannot. Unfortunately, we as Christians some­ times fail to manifest the joy which our Lord promised and which marks a Christian so distinctly as being different from a

Dr. S. H. Sutherland Presidenti Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Ine.

person of the world. Most anyone can be happy when outward circumstances are all working in his favor. Good health, a good position, being well thought of in the home and com­ munity — most anyone can be happy under circumstances such as these. But when everything is going wrong, so far as outward circumstances are concerned, then it is that the Christian has the opportunity of revealing himself to be entirely different from the u n s a v e d person. He has the Lord upon whom he can depend and to whom he can turn. Then it is that Christian joy should manifest itself. This is an attitude that the world c a n n o t understand, because it knows nothing of that inward relationship that the child of God has with the Lord Jesus Christ. To know what this joy consists of, one must first of all accept Jesus Christ as his own personal Saviour. Furthermore, he must surren­ der his will to the will of the Lord Jesus Christ, to be used by Him as He may choose. The unsurrendered Christian is often the most miserable person in the world ;the world does not want him and the Lord cannot use him. We need to check on ourselves frequently, to make sure that the King of kings is also the King of our hearts and lives. Whenever the Queen is in residence, the Royal Standard flies from the flagstaff of the palace indicating her presence there. It has been well said that, "Joy is the flag that flies from the palace of one's heart to show that the King is in residence there." Easter B ooks "Seven Sayings On the Cross" i "T h e T ria l and Death of C hrist" "T h e Resurrection of C h rist" v "T h e Resurrection Body" — All Four for 90 Cents — Send for Catalogue Get All 39 of Humberd's Books for $10.50 HUMBERD'S PRESS BOX K FLORA, IND.



Under the Parsonage Roof by Althea S. Miller I ^ hey sat on the floor a little askew from the fireplace. Mother tried to look at them objectively. No use being subjective and emotional every time their behaviour is on the cher­ ubic side. “Take a good look; they are your three youngest,” memory reminded her. Was that — ? yes, that is Althea giggling as any light-hearted little girl should. Her usual serious and d rama t i c action coupled with a throaty diction has prompted the older members of the family to nick­ name her “ Tallulah” in loving deri­ sion. The little miss doesn’t get the significance of her name, but her sweet smile in response belies any re­ sentment. Little did Althea’s parents dream of the potential wrapped up in their little seven pounder when she put in her appearance some rune years ago. “ Give me wisdom, Father. My little girl needs guidance and rearing ‘in the way she should go.’ I can’t see the end from the beginning. That is in Thy knowledge only. Just lead us.” “ I was the most gorgeous baby you ever saw.” “How do you know, Althea?” Mark was dubious. “Mama told me. Anyhow, look at my baby pictures.” “ There’s no conceit in my family. Althea has it all,” big Brother’s voice boomed from another room. “ Yes, you were beautiful. I wish I had been prettier.” Ardyth was ap­ pealing and wistful as she conceded greater loveliness to her sister. “You were all beautiful to me.” Mother sat cross-legged with the trio on the floor and shared the joys of their baby books. “ Are all babies beautiful?” “Yes, Althea. I have yet to see an ugly baby, although I must confess that our Bob and David would never have won a baby beauty contest. But I think all babies are lovely because I just adore them. I miss having babies around here.” “ Don’t worry, Mama. We’ll bring you some babies when we grow up.” “ I’m sure you will, if. the Lord tar­ ries. Just don’t rush it. Mama wants to tell you something which is very important. The best kind of beauty is not of the face. You may not under­ stand all about it now, but try to re­ member that the Lord Jesus and your Mommie are more interested in beauty and strength of character for you than anything else in this world.

Penny (Not such a large sum to invest for eternity)/ W ill give spiritual sight to the blind HOW? For information write to THE CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE BLIND, INC. Founded in 1929 ; 430 East 141st Street - New York 54, N.Y.: ; John Binns, Pres. James E. Bennett, Treas. \ Rev. John Ernest Brown, Field Rep. JOIN THE A.E.C.C. If you have been called to preach the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and are in either denominational or undenominational work, you are invited to become a member of this Tast growing ministerial organization. License or ordination credentials issued to members. Your inquiry invited. AMERICAN EVANGELICAL CHRISTIAN CHURCHES 192 N. CLARK S i. CHICAGO 1, ILL.

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TROUBLE L — a tract for i h BOYS AND A G IR L S ^ fl

Character is what sets you apart from every other person and makes you you. Character is molded and set by all the influences brought to bear on your life. Daddy and Mama have en­ deavored to point you to the Lord so that His influence will make the greatest impression on you. Now it is time to get dinner ready. Who wants to help me?” “ I do.” The trio answered in unison and Mommie led her little ones into the kitchen with a prayer in her heart that the seed she had just sown would ultimately bear fruit unto righteous­ ness. END. THE KING'S BUSINESS


Dr. Robert B. Munger, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Berkeley, California, is the newly elected presi­ dent of the Mount Hermon Board of Trustees. DR. FRANCIS W. RUS­ SELL, former president and a 93-year- old retired minister, has been honored with the title President Emeritus. Dr. Bob Jones, Jr., president of Bob Jones University, received an award for the school’s radio station WMUU. Recognized by the Associated Press for excellence in co-operative news reporting, this is the fourth successive year the station has been so honored. Rev. Harold E. Garner, Christian edu­ cation leader of Moody Bible Institute, has written and produced a new series of filmstrips entitled “ Building a Better Sunday School.” The service includes a filmstrip, recorded narra­ tion and teacher’s manual.

NEWS and P C O J Dr. Oswald J, Smith, president of the Peoples Missionary Society, has re­ signed as pastor of the Peoples Church of Toronto, Canada. His son, the Rev. Paul B. Smith is the new pastor of the missionary church. Mr. Walter H. Smyth, crusade director for the Billy Graham Crusade to be held in Melbourne, Australia, has announced that 4,500 counsellors are being trained for the series of evan­ gelistic meetings. The course lasts for five weeks and begins February 8.

that make the NEWS

DR. GEORGE L. FORD, executive director of the National Association of Evangelicals, interviewed Madame Chiang Kai-Shek at recent meetings of the All-American Conference to Combat Communism. Mr. Jack Sonneveldt, president of Gos­ pel Films, will present the company’s n ew p r o d u c t i o n , “ In Times Like These,” during the 6th annual Winter Conference at Boca Raton, Florida, March 9-15. The week is sponsored jointly with Youth For Christ Inter­ national. Dr. Don Hillis, co-director of Orient Crusades, has produced a new corres­ pondence course based on the Epistle of Galatians. “ The Christian Liberty Course” is the third in a series to be printed in Latin America and India.

Great missionary stories ofour time

REV. AL J. CLASSEN, missionary with the Sudan Interior Mission in North Nigeria, officiated at gradua­ tion exercises of the SIM’s Igbaja Theological Seminary, Ilorin Prov­ ince. Eight pastors among the 12 received bachelor of theology degrees awarded in special connection with the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. (M r. Classen was graduated from BIOLA in 1946.) Mr. John H. Jesberg, missionary with the Evangelical Alliance Mission, has been delegated to devote half of his time to directing the Pocket Testa­ ment League’s work in France. PTL Foreign Secretary GLENN W. WAG­ NER, has presented a number of in­ ternational leaders with copies of inscribed New Testaments.

From the tortures of the dry guillotine of Devil’s Island to the feast of roasted human flesh in Dutch New Guinea, Dr. Hall, senior editor of Reader’s Digest, has recorded some of the greatest adven­ tures in faith in this century. Here he presents the most thrilling and inspiring of all he has collected and reported on in a long career as America’s premier reli­ gious journalist. Illustrated with on-the-scene ... photographs. A t your bookseller •$3.75 HARPER &BROTHERS, N. Y. 16

DR. CLYDE M. NARRAMORE, Christian psychologist, recently con­ ducted an all-day conference for near­ ly 300 pastors, Christian education specialists, and public school teachers. Meetings were held in the Scripture Press auditorium, Wheaton, Illinois. Dr. Joseph Free, director of Wheaton Tours, has announced that the Spring Bible Lands Tour (lasting six weeks) will leave from New York City on March 3. The Summer Bible Lands Tour leaves July 4.

5 2 2 7 Y O U T H L E A D CUPTHIS COUPON SOTHAT YOU TOOCAN KNOWTHE JOY AND SATISFACTION THEY ARE EXPERIENCING not used CHRISTIAN WORKERS’ SERVICE BUREAU ^ BOX 413K REDONDO BEACH, CALIFORNIA V P Please Send Sample Packet U of Youth Materials Indicate _____ Age Group lS-1 l|[i2-14lll5-191 Free Information Only those qualify for this offer who hoi same CWSB service previously. One I only one age group is free. Additional singli pies for other age groups are available at 75c e< Regular price of each monthly packet is 51.50. NAME (PLEASE PRINT) ADDRESS_____ C r o o B n n U l CITY m m m ONE STATE ' 1 CHURCH. .PASTOR'S NAME. Each packet includes complete meeting plans, activities, party plan, publicity, sponsor's helps. P Youth Leader's Course f~1Handbooks and Helps Q Pastor □ Chr. Ed. Dii O Sporn

COMMISSIONER SAMUEL HEP­ BURN, in charge of the Salvation Army Western Territorial Headquar­ ters , discusses the new gift annuity agreement program of the organiza­ tio n w ith BRIGADIER DANIEL RODY, public relations officer for the area.



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Words and Music by N. B. Vandall “ After the toil and the heat of the : day, after my troubles are past. .. ” Thus begins a comparatively-recent gospel song which has already en- | joyed nationwide success. It was writ­ ten a few minutes after the author’s small son had been struck by an auto­ mobile and severely injured. Return­ ing from the hospital, Vandall fell on his knees and sobbed his heart out to God. Marvelously the Lord spoke words of comfort to his soul, assuring him that some day all sorrows would I be over. He arose from his knees, went to the piano, and, with tears co u r s i ng down his cheeks, wrote words and music to “After.” (The boy recovered.) N.B. “ Jack” Vandall’s mother died in his boyhood, leaving him with no sp i r i tua l influences, although he learned many years later that she had been an earnest Christian. After working at various jobs, he discovered an outlet for his musical abilities in cabarets and theatres. During World War I he served in the Marines, then became a business man in Akron, Ohio. Early in the 1920’s he was con­ verted in a Methodist campmeeting, soon thereafter forsaking the business world to enter the evangelistic field, — preaching, singing, writing songs, and broadcasting. Since 1940 he has made his home in Akron, where he carries on an intensive radio ministry, assisted by his wife (who was instru­ mental in leading him to Christ) and their four sons. Other compositions include “My Sins Are Gone,” “He’s The One I Love,” “Just One Glimpse,” “ I Know He Can Save Me, Too,” and “My Home Sweet Home.” The latter song was written during his early minis­ try; financial difficulties and other j obstacles tended to tempt him to return to the business career he had forsaken, — but in the crucial hour God assured him that faithful service would be rewarded by an eternal home. Came then the inspiration for “My Home Sweet Home.” Southern California residents and visitors are reminded of the special MUSICALES directed by Phil Kerr. Every Monday night at 7:30 P.M. in the Pasadena Civic Auditorium, and the second Sunday afternoon of each month in the new auditorium of the BIOLA Campus in La Mirada at 2:30 P.M. Always a rich inspiration in musical testimony.

used by The Bible Institute o f Los Angeles, Inc.


GOSPEL PREACHING — Emmanuel Church holding regular services in English and Chinese In the heart of the colony and the Countryside. MEDICAL MINISTRY — Emmanuel C linic with two doctors and a regular sta ff of nurses and evangelists, treating over 1,500 monthly. j PRINTED PAGE — Biola Book Room, a large evangelical book store in downtown Kowloon distributing Bibles and literature in English and Chinese. YOUTH CENTER — Recently built In the New Territories. Prim ary and Evening Schools for factory workers and their ch il­ dren. Summer and winter Bible Confer­ ences. The Bible Institute o f Los Angeles, Inc. Hong Kong Department 55 8 South Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California Please mention "King's Business" when writing to advertisers. C h u r c h n r e s s h r i s t i a n J r i n t i n g You can now get cloth bound books at a pnce comparable to that formerly paid for paper bound. Our new idea: For accuracy —type is set by us. For economy—printing and binding are done abroad. Write for details. For complete information and gifts, please write Charles A. Roberts, D.D., Supt.

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THE CHURCH PRESS 3 900 San Fernando Road Glendale 4, California




T H E V I S I O N T H A T M A D E B I O L A G R E A T the M issiona ry Graduates of the B ib le Institu te of Gos A n yeles as told to B e tty B ru eeh ert

February, 1959


God delights in transforming the most unlikely lives: “ The town drunk accepted the Lord, and he and his wife are bap­ tized believers,” writes Robert Smith of Chile, and Milton Warkentin of Mexico has a similar report: “ Before we arrived with the Gospel, the one who is now our native preacher was a noted drunkard. How wondrous is the grace of God!” And Mrs. Robert Bogema of Nigeria tells of “ one saved Fulani boy, with a crippled body” who “has stood alone for the Lord for two years, enduring ridicule, and suffering for Christ’s sake.” Often God uses ordinary human kindness to reach the heathen heart: “ There was much enmity against us,” writes Bill J. Chesbro of the Phil­ ippines, “ Then one of the strongest Roman Catholics in the village suf­ fered a heart attack and immediately we loaned our car to get him to the hospital. Afterwards the talk against us died down, the Lord gave us many friends, and some converts.” From the beginnings of human gov­ ernment, God has used the civil power to accomplish His will where the missionary enterprise is concerned: “ Our local government,” says T. Glenn Lawrence of CBFMS, in Bel­ gian Congo, “ ordered all seven hun­ dred African evangelists to refrain from preaching. We prayed! The governor reprimanded this adminis­ trator and gave the Christians great f r e e d o m . Unbelievers commented, ‘Now we see the true God has more power than man,’ and thousands ac- Rev. and Mrs, William Webster have es­ tablished the Maili Bible Center in Hawaii.' Photo shows mixed ancestry of children.

I N t h e January issue of The King’s Business appeared the first install­ ment of a brief report of the mission­ ary labors of the graduates of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Based upon answers to a questionnaire from the missionaries themselves, this sur­ vey covered mission boards under which BIOLANS labor; peoples, tribes and tongues to whom they minister; lands which they claim for the Gos­ pel; types of missionary service they supply; and religious systems with which they deal. These missionaries, from the vantage point of actual mis-

great mass of inspiring material fol­ low. Sincere regrets are expressed by the compiler that lack of space alone prevents the inclusion of every bit of information furnished. “ Ye turned to God from idols, to serve the living and true God; And to wait for His Son from Heaven” (I Thess. 1:9-10). To the missionaries the “ outstand­ ing incidents” in their ministry pri­ marily concern the conversion of the people to whom they have been sent. “ Each day is a miracle of God’s leading and grace,” writes Fred Wal- dock from Assam, “ and the conver­ sion of a Hindu ‘holy man’ on our field is an outstanding example of what Christ can do.” C. H. Wintersteen tells of the sal­ vation of another kind of religious zealot: “ A well-qualified priest was sent to Bolivia from Spain to combat the work. He was saved here and is being used to turn many to Christ, including another priest.” God has wrought great wonders with present-day witchcrafters: “The missionary dealt with a spirit doctor who conducted devil worship. The man was saved and burned his spirit altar and now endures perse­ cution for Christ” (Dorothy Uhlig, Thailand). “A witchwoman rose up on her deathbed and accepted Christ. She re­ covered, burned her fetishes, and gave public testimony to her salvation” (Carl Hendrickson, Rhodesia). “ God worked in hearts and the pagans brought forth from hiding places family skulls which had been their family altars and had been con­ sulted” (Don Fairley, French Equa­ torial Africa). Patience and prayer are required of the missionaries of the cross: “ For two months before we cele­ brated the centenary of the birth of Pandita Ramabai, we prayed day and night, and saw the hand of the Lord in the many who dedicated their lives to Him” (Virginia Nicholson, India). “When we first gave Oawosan a tract on the street car, he refused it. God convicted and saved him. Now he has finished the six-year Seminary course and has a church of his own” (Vince Gizzi, Japan).


Missionary Bill Samarin giving out Word to natives of French Equatorial Africa (Brethren Missionary Society). sionary experience, also rendered a verdict with regard to the adequacy of the training they had received at the Institute. That this verdict was unanimously f a v o r a b l e occasioned great thanksgiving to God. From these replies, a number of im­ pressive facts came to light, among which were the deeply spiritual and practical quality of the missionaries; the wide extent of their labors; the fervency of their passion for the lost. For it is this vision that has made BIOLA great — not a vision of ma­ terial prosperity or intellectual superi­ ority — but the vision of a world “ dead in trespasses and sins” which the Lord Jesus Christ described as “ fields, white unto harvest.” The missionaries were asked to cite an outstanding incident of God’s working on their fields, and to de­ scribe some of the results of their labors. Representative replies from a FEBRUARY, 1959




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VISION (continued) cepted Christ as a result of this mani­ festation of God’s over-ruling power.” Alice Foote relates that in Bolivia: “When it looked as though an anti- foreign group were taking over com­ pletely, God answered prayer, and few enemies remain. Believers have in­ creased.” In the Girls’ School of the American Mission in Khartoum, Egypt, Rachel Seiver says: “ Not only once but often during the many anti-Christian and anti-foreign demonstrations has God protected the work and the workers in a marked way. This was true through­ out the Suez crisis.” Occasionally it appears that the devil has the upper hand; but God over-rules. J. P. Kliever writes from French Equatorial Africa of his work under the Brethren Missionary Society, and the great test it endured: “ A combination of communism and revived heathenism took over, leav­ ing us few faithful Christians. After counselling with the African leaders, we interviewed family after family, asking them to evaluate the Gospel in contrast with these political and heathen interests. God sent a revival, believers confessed their sins, and came back to the Lord. There were converts and the offerings increased.” Do not these accounts read like a modern Acts of the Apostles? For in­ stance, there was in Venezuela a re-enactment of Peter’s miraculous release from prison. Mrs. Wilfred Watson tells about it: “My husband and three nationals were imprisoned because they helped a convert destroy his idols. Literally, unceasing prayer was made for them. One night they walked into the church at the very time the Christians were on their knees, interceding for them! Unac­ countably, the judge had released them.” While the material needs of the work do not occupy the minds of mis­

sionaries as much as do the spiritual needs, yet God’s hand is often seen in the miraculous way in which He supplies the means with which to carry on the work. Dr. Leslie M. Chaffee in the Came- roons of West Africa rejoices that “ The government turned over to us our present hospital” and Foster Tresise in Hawaii likewise give thanks to the Lord that “We secured the building for our work free from the Navy,” while Mrs. Charles A. Roberts of Hong Kong mentions as an out­ standing incident in their ministry: “ I think the rebuilding of the whole compound (in China) after the war was accomplished through hard work on the part of my husband and many leadings of the hand of God. God sent the UNRA there to rebuild several buildings and then left them for us. The Chinese relief committee did the same thing and gradually the whole place was rebuilt. We hear that some of our evangelists are still working quietly and having results.” Since the war, the establishment of this Asian branch of the Bible Insti­ tute in Hong Kong by Dr. and Mrs. Roberts is still another striking illus­ tration of what the Lord has done to preserve His testimony in the face of a lm o s t insurmountable difficulties. The Roberts and their co-workers have exhibited tremendous courage in building a third time. Often the Lord turns the wrath of man to His praise: “ In 1942,” writes John M. Dedrick, “ we were ordered to leave Yaqui ter­ ritory in Mexico, to be out in twenty- four hours. We fled eighty miles south, sending word to our director that we had left. It ‘just happened’ to reach him in Ensenada where he was visiting with tile Mexican general in charge of the entire West Coast. Within two weeks, we were back at our station, and the official who had put us out had been transferred!’ Personal deliverances from perils

of every nature are the ordinary lot of missionaries: Fred Acord of Eritrea can testify to this: “Four of us Christians planned to go to a restaurant for a snack, but ‘for some reason’ we did not go in. The next morning we learned that a bomb had been thrown into the place and four British officers and an Arab were injured seriously.” Don Fairley of the Gabon relates this amazing tale of his very “ close call” : “ I fell eighteen feet away from high tension electric wires which held me in their grip. With two vertebrae and eleven ribs broken, I required artificial respiration for two hours . . . Later on there was an operation

Elsie Jean Utterback '4 7— Missionary un­ der TEAM— works with children at Gifu- Ken, Japan. (Dodgeball on Christmas morning). for a detached retina of the eye. My life has been miraculously spared.” Elcho Redding of East Khandesh, India gives thanks to God: “He protected us from leopards, cobras, and an evil neighbor who tried to poison us, as well as providing needed medicine in a very remote vil­ lage during a siege of typhoid fever. There is not a day goes by that we do not see His working in a special way.” The troubles in the Mau-Mau country in Kenya have stirred all Christians to pray. Pearl Heath of Africa Inland Mission says there is “ still much unrest here. But six at­ tempts to break into the Girls’ Dormi­ tory have failed.” Eva Lloyd of Venezuela writes: “ In our first teachers’ retreat we had 42 girls. A revoltuion came and stopped everything. W e prayed and soon it was over. We had to begin all over again but the Lord provided water, and a cook, and it was just one mir­ acle after another.” Little children play their part as a wedge into human hearts: “ Our carpenter and his children were saved but the mother resisted. The little ones pleaded with her, ‘Mamma, we know the Lord now, and you should know Him too.’ Finally she surrendered to God, and this is the first united Christian family we

Family o f Mr. and Mrs. Neil Nellis (Neil '4 1 ; Jane '40 )— Wycliffe Bible Translators. Donny (12); David (4); Dorothy (4); Mary Jane (6).



have seen in this area,” relates J. W. Moore of Peru. Neil Nellis says: “ The headlines in the local press [Mexico] were antagonistic and o u r l i v e s w e r e threatened. Then the grandson of the president of the village fell ill and was brought to our clinic. When he recovered, the grandparents came daily to hear the Gospel portions read. His presence in our house overnight proved to the nationals that the prop­ aganda against us was all wrong.” Sickness too may be an instrument in the hand of the Lord: “ In answer to prayer,” states Dr. M. P. Welles of Thailand, “ God healed the son of the pastor of the Swatow-speaking Chinese church of acute nephritis when he had but a brief life expectancy. Now he is pre­ paring to succeed his father in the second largest church in all Thailand. He is a marvelous preacher, wholly dedicated to God.” Timothy Pietsch of Tokyo, Japan relates this story: “ Visiting the National Hospital, I heard a woman say, ‘I have been praying you would come.’ I pointed her to Christ, and she was saved. The next day she was radiant, testifying, ‘What joy and hope I have now! I know God has forgiven me!’ A third day I returned, her bed was empty, and she had gone to be with her newly-found Saviour.” The experiences of the “ sky pilots” of the Missionary Aviation Fellow­ ship in America and in Britain reveal daily the miracles of this modem mis­ sionary method:

struction was removed, and her life saved — all within thirty-two hours! ” (Mrs. Stuart King, Sudan). Even death speaks to the heart of the heathen; Mrs. Robert Baker of Cuba tells us how: “ Recently a fifteen-year-old boy died and my husband had the funeral. The father was so overwhelmed with the Gospel message that he arranged a memorial service to which he in­ vited 100 relatives and friends who heard the Gospel for the first time. The boy’s entire family, including the grandparents, accepted Christ.” The very reading of the Word of God in the language of the people works miracles. Marjorie Peverly of Peru reports: “ Our workers with the Machiguenga Indians spent a few months in a new location. They read the Word to them in their language and 37 Machiguen- gas came to the Lord among them a school teacher who is starting a school to help them spiritually.” It is indeed an outstanding work of God when old people are brought to Christ. Doris Herd of Malaya tells us how such an elderly believer learned the ways of the Lord: “ Old Granny Caw, 70 years old and just recently saved and baptized, dropped in one evening, announcing, ‘I have sold a pig’ and immediately handed us $5.00 of the money she had received. We brought out the church box explain­ ing about the widow and her mite. You should have seen the joy in her face as she put her money into the work of the Lord!” “An old pagan woman came to the leprosarium to visit her son,” relates Belva Overmiller of Nigeria, “ she heard the Gospel for the first time and believed, saying ‘If it had not been for my son’s sickness I would not have been saved.’ Some weeks later she went to be with the Lord.” Eleanor Kingman of Go Ye Fellow­ ship in Honolulu writes of Buddhist grandparents who kept a little child from attending their Sunday School. Then the mother had a strange dream about the Lord and they all started coming to church and now all the family is saved except the father. Sometimes God does things on a larger scale: “ Our fellow-missionaries, Mr. and Mrs. Archibald, received an unusual farewell gift from their beloved African church. It was an all-out ef­ fort at personal evangelism on the part of the national Christians who sought to win their lost friends and tribespeople to Christ. The results were overwhelming, with 3,500 re­ ported confessions of faith, and many backsliders reclaimed. All of us — missionaries, pastors, evangelists —

TEAM Missionary E. Ruth Smith doing apartment house evangelism in Tokyo, Japan. have a new vision of what we trust will be revival, continuing on in a deeper life c o n s e c r a t i o n to make Christ known to the world,” is the heart-warming report of Harold and Ella Coen of the Sudan Interior Mis­ sion in Nigeria. Would not this kind of a gift thrill any pastor in America? Faith is still the missionary’s great­ est asset: James R. Walters of TEAM de­ clares: “We asked God for Japan’s unreached mountain villages in the interior. The task was against tre­ mendous odds, but God’s answer was: A car for the work, funds to carry it on, and 25,000 reached for the Gos­ pel!” Unusual results are reported in connection with large evangelistic campaigns: “The outstanding incident was our participation in the organization and carrying through of the large annual meeting in Sabon Gari last year . . . with 900 signed decision cards,” re­ ports J. E. Clay of Kano, Nigeria, while Peter Nicolay of FEBIAS in the Philippines states: “ In one night meeting in Manila with Billy Graham nearly 50,000 packed the Rizai sta­ dium and 5,000 seekers crowded the platform. We were thrilled to see this evidence of the Holy Spirit’s work in a city where 90% are under Roman domination.” Dr. Van V. Eddings, founder and director of Orinoco River Mission, says that “When doors have been closed, by prayer they have been opened and every chinch established is a miracle of God’s love and grace.” Finally, the “ outstanding inci­ dents” have to do with the working out of the indigenous principles on the mission field, a matter vital to all missionary organizations. Rev. William Samarin of the Breth­ ren Church in French Equatorial Africa reports: “ In November 1958, 2000 delegates of our Mission will gather at our station for its first mis­ sion-wide conference. At that time, the African Church will take over completely the administration of its own Brethren Church here in Africa. (Continued on N ext Page)

Mrs. Bill Samarin with a pet. The Sam- arins serve in French Equatorial Africa. “Two-year-old Loraine C o n w e l l was playing on an isolated S.I.M. sta­ tion in the Nuba Mountains. Sudden­ ly she began to choke and nothing could be done for her. The hospital was t h r e e h u n d r e d miles away. Quickly the MAF plane picked her up; she was flown to Khartoum, where an operation was performed, the ob­



us a letter from his sister in Canada who had become a ; Christian and urged him to receive Christ. Then Mr. Tung was sent to Kumming, and, strangely enough, we were also sent there by our Board (then the C.I.M.) One night Mr. Tung came to our house and said he wanted to receive Jesus Christ as his Saviour, and he did, kneeling on our living room floor. Later we came in contact with the sister in Canada and she told us it was through the testimony of a Christian worker who visited her in a T.B. sanitarium that she had found the Lord. Thus the Lord reached His arms around two continents to find two seeking hearts in one humble Chinese family.” We now turn from individual inci­ dents to a glimpse of the work as a whole.

before, and a Bible Institute found­ ed.” Dr. Herbert Cassell of the Central American Mission reports: “ In East­ ern Guatemala where we labored for nineteen years we saw the work grow from several congregations to an indigenous Council of 15 churches and some 25 congregations.” Mrs. Cornelia Hattema Hibbard of Wycliffe Translators in Peru tells of the Christian growth of the Piro In­ dians. She encloses copies of two let­ ters from two converts which go right to the heart of the Christian. The . first is from White Condor, chief of this tribe, who says this about the Bible: “ I will tell you why it sometimes appears that we cannot read our own translation. When we ourselves have done something evil and we find it w r i t t e n i n G o d ’ s W o r d , we are shocked. We cannot pronounce what we see because we are thinking about ourselves. We cannot tell it because it is a shameful thing in the ears of every one. It is as though our sins were told right out in the daylight. We are ashamed of what we have done in the eyes of God. It is a very good translation because it makes us remember our sins. It is a strong word of counsel.” The Lord brought a whole com­ munity of people to Himself as a result of the testimony of Hwacha whose letter follows. After he helped Miss Esther Matteson complete the translation of the New Testament, he addressed a communication to Ameri­ can Christians: “My brothers in Jesus: “I greet you. I have not seen you but I have heard about you who have received Jesus. I also have received Jesus, and I have translated the New Testament. My joy reaches out far! “ I think of my father who is dead. He kept searching God’s Word. He always went far in the search. He said he was waiting, wanting to know

Mrs. Nancy Jane Zurfluh, Berlin, Ger­ many. A student at BIOLA for 2 V 2 years, she is working with refugees. The missionary will have plenty of work, for the African Church wants us, and we are theirs to use until that wonderful day when we will be need­ ed no longer.” Rev. Frank L. Jertberg of the Bible Institute of ABWE at Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, writes along similar lines: “ In accordance with indigenous principles, our mission withdrew its subsidy. We had misgivings, but one native church immediately assumed the full support of a pastor. The rest followed suit, with only one not com­ plying. This is a big step forward in establishing a strong national work.” Sometimes small incidents may be outstanding when the Lord’s hand is revealed: “We had prayed,” says Joan Collett of Brazil, “ for a certain woman for five years. She had stopped coming to the services. One day as I drove past her house, I cried out to the Lord: ‘Oh, bring her tomorrow, and save her!’ And He did. The following Sunday she brought her ancestral shrine along and burned it while we sang songs of victory. She is now a radiant Christian.” A1 Mace speaks of something that is upon the hearts of Christians every­ where: “ I received word that people were praying for us that people might come to us to be reached for Christ. At that very time three came and be­ lieved.” It is as true in Malaya where A1 labors under CIM as it is in Amer­ ica that if men and women will not hear, they will not find the Lord, for “ faith cometh by hearing.” Mrs. Sydney Best of Far Eastern Gospel Crusade in Japan tells an inci­ dent that occurred when they were still in China. It illustrates how God “moves in mysterious ways His won­ ders to perform” in the human heart: “When electricity was installed in Borden Memorial Hospital, Mr. Best made a friend of a Mr. Tung of the Electric Light Company, presenting the claims of Christ to him and invit­ ing him to our home. But he held out against the Lord although he showed 12

Rev. and Mrs. Peter Nicolay, FEBIAS, Manila, Philippines (1948 graduates). “So m ightily grew the Word of God and prevailed” (Acts 19:20). As is to be expected, the growth of the work on the mission field is re­ lated to churches and schools. Dr. Van V. Eddings, founder of the Orinoco River Mission, states in char­ acteristically modest fashion: “Many churches have been established [in Venezuela] where there were none

Native children from Portuguese Guinea, West Africa. Sent by Missionary G. H. Mac- Kenzie. By taking these children at birth from the government leprosorium, they are saved from leprosy.

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