King's Business - 1959-02

this commentary is both exegetical and devotional. The plenary and verbal inspiration of the Bible is as­ sumed and this Epistle is seen as the great doctrinal watershed of the teachings of Paul. Nearly every verse is discussed and a list of questions fol­ lows each chapter. Greek expressions are transliterated. The author is a Southern Presbyterian with consider­ able experience on the Korean mission field, and is now pastor of the First Presbyterian Church in Centreville, Alabama. He is not in the premillen- nial, dispensational tradition, but the book has much of a satisfying nature on passages where this distinction is not an issue. Chapters 9-11 are some­ what disappointingly handled for that reason. 235 pages; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids; $4.75.

The Gentile, a Novel By Sylvia and Henry. Lieferant Any subject or problem can become the basis for a novel, it seems. Here we have race prejudice, particularly between Jew and Gentile, which ap­ pears in the context of a New York concern, Gold Star Patterns. Linda Macneil, a Gentile girl finds a posi­ tion here and her lack of prejudice against the Jews who worked there puzzled them and their employer, Mr. Epstein. Complications, however, are required for a story, and Alma and Russ provide them. Human rela­ tionships in general are pointed up also in the book, which will be con­ sidered by some controversial in nature, but one should approach liter­ ature like this with the inquiring mind and withhold judgment until the end. 279 pages; cloth; Muhlen­ berg Press, Philadelphia; $3.50. Ideals in Medicine A Christian Approach to Medical Practice Edited by Vincent Edmunds and C. Gordon Scorer Comparatively little has been writ­ ten on medical ethics, still less on dis­ tinctly Christian medical ethics. Many problems arise in the work of the physician that call for ethical j decisions. Should a woman dying with cancer be told the truth even though her husband forbids it? Prob­ lems are multiplied in medical work on the mission field. This book is a | symposium of fourteen chapters, each written by a specialist in some phase of medicine. The book is aimed pri­ marily at medical students in their last year of training, but will be of interest to all Christian doctors. The contributors are all British. They i write with care and cite a good deal of literature. Chapters treat such sub­ jects as euthanasia, contraception, psychology, faith-healing, and the | like. As may be expected the general tenor of the book is on the conserva­ tive side. It will be found of interest j to a wide range of people. 192 pages; cloth; Christian Medical Society, 127 S. Wacker Dr., Chicago 6; $3.00. The Epistle to the Romans By Floyd E. Hamilton While based on the grammatico- historical method of interpretation, |

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