King's Business - 1959-02

that we had someone like Teacher Pak who helped us so well in North Korea.” “ Someone wants to see you, Hon­ orable Missionary,” said the faithful servant. Ragged and dirty, but with a radiant smile on his face and the joy of the Lord shining in his eyes, the visitor walked up to the mission­ ary. “Teacher Pak, can this be you?” cried the overjoyed missionary. Pak’s cheeks grew red as he looked down at his dirty, ragged clothes and said apologetically, “ So sorry, dear mis­ sionary.” The warm hearted mission­ ary threw his arms around Pak’s thin shoulders and crying for joy said, “ Teacher Pak, God has sent you to us just in time.” “ I wonder . . . I just wonder,” thought the missionary, as he walked across the room to a package which had arrived a few days before from America. He ripped off the lid and out of the package he pulled a man’s suit, an overcoat, some shoes, and some other much needed things. There they were . . . a pile of clean clothes, all the way from America just in time for Teacher Pak’s arrival from North Korea. Did they fit? Of course, they did! The next morning as Teacher Pak walked into the Bible School to meet his new students, the missionary exclaimed “ I do declare, he’s the best dressed man in the school.” Weeks passed. Christmas drew near. Teacher Pak was busy with his be­ loved school work. Farther north in Seoul, Mother Pak lovingly cared for the three children the best she could in the little hut where Teacher Pak had had to leave them. They were very poor, but their heavenly Father cared for them. He, also, helped them to bear the heartache caused by the loss of their precious little girl, Bright Jewel. Many times they could hardly eat or sleep knowing that she might be wandering, cold, hungry, and un­ loved, among the thousands of beggar children who ran the streets of Korea. That was exactly what had happened to Bright Jewel. One day Bright Jewel was standing among the crowds in a city near the northern border where the woman who had brought her across the river had left her. She was no longer the clean, happy, laughing child that her family had known. Now she was rag­ ged, dirty, and hungry. Her brown eyes were sad now. But still she was different from the other children. Many of them had become hardened and sinful, but not Bright Jewel. Her face was still pure and sweet shining with her Christian faith. (Concluded on Next Page)

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