King's Business - 1959-02

when Rome declares: “ The Roman Catholic Church . . . must demand the right of freedom for herself alone... in a state where the majority of the people are Catholic, the Church will require that legal existence be denied to error.. . " (from Civiltà Cattolica" April, 1948) when the Church of Rome disclaims responsibility for bru- tal persecution of Protestants in Colombia, Spain and * other countries. when the Roman Catholic Church defies the American law and declares Invalid mixed marriages performed before a Protestant clergyman or a Justice of the Peace. when Roman clergy assert their right to censor for all Americans what appears In our newspapers, In our magazines, In our theatres, and on our radio and tele­ vision. FREE Ball Point P en with each Subscription*

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Enjoys Features

CHRISTIAN HERITAGE, the magazine of Christian freedom, speaks forthrightlyandfearlessly onthese and other controversial issues of our day. You'll appre­ ciate its frankness—you'll enjoy its fine reporting—you'll find it factual and well- documented. It isevangelical, preaches God's Word and exalts Jesus Christ. ALERT PROTESTANTS WHO REAO THE CHRISTIAN c HERITAGE ARE AWARE OF THESE DANGERS. ARE YOU ONE?-SUBSCRIBE TODAY.

Dear Sirs: Just a note to tell you that I think I have read and enjoyed more of the last copy of the K in g ’ s B u sin e ss than any other published since I first started read­ ing it in 1947. I liked your format, selection of articles and features, but, above all else, I think there was something of a consecrated forthrightness which seems to be so vital today. I trust you will continue to give us many short, concise, challenging arti­ cles. I hope “ People in the News” and World Newsgrams can be expanded. Paul Hogue, Moorpark, Calif. Dear Dr. Sutherland: M y soul was thrilled and edified as I read your recent editorial in the K in g ’ s B u sin e ss , “ I Am a Fundamentalist.” This is a noble testimony for which we give God our lasting thanks. G . R. Siemens, D.D., Administrative Vice President, Baptist Bible College, Denver Colorado. Words From Afar Dear Friends: W e are grateful for the K in g ’ s B u sin e ss and the many articles. “ Under the Par­ sonage Roof” has been a great blessing to us here in Africa. Joe and Jessie Beckett , North Nigeria, Africa. Dear Dr. Talbot: I love your magazine. I wish it was in every Christian home, and other homes, too, for that matter. Rev. Thomas E. Morrison, Decatur, Illi­ nois. Appreciates Magazine Dear Sirs: Your last issue of the K in g ’ s B u sin e ss is the best I’ve seen in months. The cover is tops. Also the content level has greatly improved. Keep up the good work. William J. Sweeting, Th.D., Theological Consultant and Adult Editor, Baptist Sun­ day School Publications, Denver, Colorado. Editorials Appreciated

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