King's Business - 1959-02

Accent on Youth!

Classijjied ÛàOeïtisements 15 CENTS PER WORD — MINIMUM $3.00 Books Wanted Religious libraries purchased. Baker Book House, Dept. KB, Grand Rapids 6, Michigan. Bibles and Books Scofield Bible — Retail and Wholesale — All Editions — Fresh Stock — Gold Stamping — Thumb Index — Fowler's Christian Book Store, 113 Main Street, Hamburg, New York. Bible Rebinding Old Bibles rebound. A price, binding and style to meet every need. All types of binding, re­ binding. Write for illustrated, folder, prices. Norris Bookbinding Co., Greenwood, Mississippi. Bibles rebound in attractive leather covers. High quality workmanship; reasonable prices. Write Western Bible Bindery, 8009 S.W. Conyon Lane, Portland 25, Oregon. Music Dr. Gordon E. Hooker, who is associate pro­ fessor of music at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, has arranged some outstanding sacred piano solos. These arrangements are now avail­ able for mailing, postpaid. They are: "There's a Wideness to God's Mercy," "Blessed Be the Fountain," and "Safe in the Arms of Jesus." Original introductions, rich harmonies, brilliant cadenzas, modulations, dhimes. Just 35c each or three for $1. Order direct from Dr. Gordon E. Hooker, 558 South Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California. Music composed, edited, arronged, printed for your hymn-poems. Folders Free. Raymond Iden (KB), Mount Vernon, Ohio. Script Writing Wanted: Capable script writers to write for Christian film strips and motion pictures. Write to Bible Institute Film Department, P.O. Box 9, Gardena, California. Correspondence School » # You, too, can acquire a working knowledge V of the Bible in your home through courses by Bible Institute professors. Send for descrip­ tion of courses offered. Correspondence School, Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc., 558-K S. Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. WANTED: A congenial, elderly Christian lady companion, or, an elderly couple, in a quiet, comfortable rural home 30 miles south of Ta­ coma, Washington and within 10 minutes' drive from the towns of Yelm and Rainier. Board, room and laundry with home comforts. Nursing when- needed. All for a reasonable, cost. Susie E. Claussen, R.N., Rt. 1, Box 69, Yelm, Wash. Experienced workers wanted in Christian home for 17 boys— COOK, COUPLE AS HOUSE-PAR­ ENTS (to live in), Maintenance Man with knowl­ edge of live stock. Write to P.O. Box 781, Turlock, California. If you live in Southern California STUDY THE BIBLE AT NIGHT IN A CHURCH NEAR YOU! W R ITE FOR IN FO RM A TIO N REGARDING TH E HIOLA EVENING SCHOOL in Glendale BIOLA BOOKROOM "The Complete Christian Supply Center” 121 W . Wilson - Glendale, Calif.

with Ken Poure objective is fixed in your heart and mind, concentrate upon it and evalu­ ate it from every standpoint. Is there real value in bringing honor to God in all we say and do? Christian, to honor God is certainly the most val­ uable activity in life! Have you chosen this objective as your goal in life? Then by what means will you reach your objective? Our wonderful Lord has supplied the means in the person of the Holy Spirit. The Bible commands “ be filled with the Spirit,” that God might be glorified in all that you do. You might ask, “ But how can I be filled and maintain this Spirit-filled life?” There are many means. To name a few, “ study the Word” (II Timothy 2:15), obey the Word (John 14:21), be a witness to others (Acts 1:8), pray (Romans 8:26). Yes, God offers you these means in order to ob­ tain real power in your life. Someone else might be saying, “ I’ve known all of this — and believe it.” DO YOU? That is not enough. You must “ pull the trigger” and act upon these means before you can know the sweet joy of God’s best; in fact, you can measure the degree of your surrender to the Lord by the amount of effort you put forth in using this means. What determines the amount of effort and enthusiasm? Let me suggest that the value you set upon the chosen objective governs the degree of effort you apply. Jesus said, “ If ye love me, keep my command­ ments.” Why don’t Christians do what they know they should? They have paid little regard to the grand objective of life — that of honoring and glorifying God in their everyday lives. “Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it Rev. Kenneth Poure is evangelist with the “Accent on Youth Crusades,” a new service to churches of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. Receiving his trcdning from BIOLA, Mr. Poure has been greatly used of the Lord in dealing with youth. The emphases of his weekly meetings are on evangelism, soul-winning, Bible study and memorization, and follow-up. Church­ es interested in such specialized help are urged to call or write the school’s Exten­ sion Department for complete information and available dates for scheduling.

Rev. Ken Poure S o m a n y Christians aim their lives in the right direction but never “pull the trigger.” Our churches are full of people who know what they should be doing but never get around to doing it. Why? I would like to sug­ gest a reason why Christians are so lacking in vitality or action. As we work in God’s vineyard among youth and adults alike, our endeavor is to bring them into a liv­ ing relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ. When a person has Christ as his foundation, the next step is to lead him into an under­ standing of life’s purpose, its great objective. To do this, we must under­ stand the basic law of all action. It can be explained in three words: 1) objective, 2) means, 3) effort. Everything we do is first preceded by a thought. After considering the objective of that thought and its value, we decide Whether or not to do it. At this p’oint, we determine the means, or how it can be done. Our last step is that of putting forth effort, that is, using the means to reach our objective. By way of illustration, let us pic­ ture a lady contemplating a trip to the market. The idea becomes an objective to her. Having considered the necessity and value of such a trip (her reason having told her, “ If I do not go, there will be no food; without food, we cannot live” ), so she chose to go. What means will she use? There is the possibility of driving, walking, sending someone else, etc. Now is a good time to ask, is it enough merely to know about the means? No! If the objective is to be reached, one must put forth effort, just as the lady, having realized her need of going to the market, had to put action to her decision. To apply this basic law to our spiritual lives, what is our great ob­ jective in life as Christians? In I Cor­ inthians 6:19, we have the answer. “ . . . therefore, glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.” Once this truth of life’s great

NEW Powerhouse In form ation START A CLUB IN YOUR CHURCH Extension Dept., B IB LE IN S T IT U T E OF LOS AN G ELES, IN C ., Los Angeles 17, Californio FREE



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