NCUK Virtual Patient Handbook

Biopsy: A biopsy is a medical procedure that involves taking a small tissue sample can be taken from almost anywhere on or in your body The term “biopsy” is often used to refer to both the act of taking the s A FNA (Fine-needle aspiration) is another type of biopsy but may inserted through the skin into the lump or affected organ below. Often syringe to help ‘suck’ some of the cells into the needle by gently pullin make a cut in the skin or via an endoscope. If the lump being tested is very small it might be necessary to use a s may be done using an ultrasound scan, endoscope or CT scan. A BAL (bronchoalveolar lavage) is used to try to obtain cells from inside your lungs). Fluid is squirted into the specific part of the lung to microscope. A SLNB (Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy) A sentinel lymph node is likely to spread from a primary tumour. A Sentinel Lymph Node Biops that cancer cells have spread. In neuroendocrine cancers this proced cancer of the skin (Merkel Cell Carcinoma - MCC). A VATS (video-assisted thorascopic surgery) is a surgical proced called a thoracoscope. This is a thin, tube-like instrument which shine images back to an eyepiece or video display so the surgeon can see very small cuts (incisions) are made in the chest wall near the ribs. T special surgical instruments into the other incisions. These instrumen Once the surgery has finished the instruments are removed and the i be looked at under a microscope. Surgery - will be discussed in Section 06, Treatments. What’s involved? There are various ways of taking tissue samples – these include inclu

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