NCUK Virtual Patient Handbook

n to minimise your risk. Infection may occur in your wound, but may on. Wound care will be provided – alongside measures to reduce the ection we talked about the benefits of breathing exercises to help

ry or permanent alterations in how a part of the body may work,

y or permanent alteration in blood sugar control, whereas removing all no remaining pancreas left to carry out blood sugar control). looks, feels or functions physically. It can also have an effect on how

hanges surgery may bring about – it may still take some time to re-

tive or distressed by these changes – let your specialist nurse / team can be found here

n also affect our most intimate relationships. Surgery, as mentioned tive or negative effects on our self image. may also impact on our sexual and reproductive health by altering

organs. This can cause sexual problems in both men and women. ving, this should be discussed with you before surgery, whether it is a is assured and support can be arranged.

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