NCUK Virtual Patient Handbook

SSAs include: • Octreotide (Sandostatin LAR – made by Novartis) • Lanreotide (Somatuline Autogel – made by Ipsen). A generic version of each drug is now available and may be prescribe Both Octreotide and Lanreotide are given by injection: • Octreotide is usually given by a doctor or nurse, whilst Lanreotide ca administration, you can discuss this with your team / CNS. • Homecare service may be available - this can be discussed with you of SSA for self-administration or delivery of SSA and a nurse visit ar

Your nurse specialist, specialist team member or pharmacist can also pharmaceutical company has a ‘customer’ helpline for any homecare

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Potential side effects of Somatostatin Analogues

Further infor

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