NCUK Virtual Patient Handbook

Practical Considerations: is included here, as it may be these factors that can cause more conce about what kind of help you may need during or after treatment – from while. Hopefully any concerns you may have will be picked up through your Clinical Nurse Specialist, treatment team / GP - to allow you time

““You won’t feel yourself again for a while,” the consu hospital with a kidney infection. "So take it easy, do as recov Unlike a Victorian heroine, I felt that I was too busy, expected it to cope. Conv

Lizzie Enfield (2019) The Wellcome Collection The lost art of convalescence

A Holistic Needs Assessment (HNA)

Developed by Macmillan and used across cancer care services in the treatment / if your personal circumstances or disease changes. It cons • a questionnaire "What Matters To You" checklist for you to complet planned care. This checklist is available in a number of different lang • a conversation - a discussion about any highlighted concerns and • an agreed plan of holistic care: this extends beyond a specific trea for emotional, spiritual, social and financial support

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