NCUK Virtual Patient Handbook


ERAS is short for Enhanced Recovery After Surgery. Enhanced recov quickly after having major surgery. The programme will vary dependin treated at, but may include: • improving your fitness levels before your operation - if there is enou • treating any other long-term medical conditions • reducing the time you fast (are “Nil By Mouth”) by giving you water a • giving you medication to prevent sickness after surgery • considering the best ways of giving pain relief during the operation • using local anaesthetic blocks or regional anaesthetics where possi • giving you the best pain relief afterwards to get you moving quicker • encourage you to Drink, Eat and Mobilise within 24 hours of surgery • reducing the time you have catheters and drips • teaching you exercises to help you recover after your operation. By following an enhanced recovery programme, there are usually fewe Royal College of Anaesthetists: What does the term “early recovery’ mean?


PREPARE is a programme based on the principles of the ERAS progr • Physical fitness • Respiratory exercises • Eating well • Psychological wellbeing • Ask about your medication(s)

• Reducing risk(s) - e.g., smoking and alcohol • Enhanced recovery after your treatment

The key areas identified by the PREPARE programme are also applic useful as strategies in adjusting to ‘Living with Neuroendocrine Cance

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