NCUK Virtual Patient Handbook

Work & Neuroendocrine Cancer Following diagnosis, if employed, you may wonder if you will be able t depends on your individual situation, of course, but often people are a responsibilities / tasks may be needed. Although you do not have to inform your employer of your diagnosis, i future – for appointments or treatments. However, before doing so, it m your situation with an independent advisor. Employment, Benefits and Financial advice is best gained from a regis Neuroendocrine Cancer UK, do not have an advisor on staff. Instead, Advice and recommend discussion with a union rep, if you belong to o Talking about your cancer may be difficult, especially at work. Some p discriminate against them. Most employers are supportive, however, others may not be. Under the *The Equality Act 2010, or the Disability Discrimination Act 1 you live in Northern Ireland), as someone diagnosed with cancer (at a law from unfair or unreasonable treatment or discrimination at work. This legal protection applies to job applicants and the self-employed, n

Click here to read the joint publication from Citizens Advice and Macmillan: ‘Working together to help with the cost of cancer’

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