NCUK Virtual Patient Handbook

Practical Considerations Making a Will If you do want to make a will, or adjust one already made, it’s usually b but if not, can find one through: • The Law Society for England and Wales - • The Law Society Scotland - • The Law Society of Northern Ireland - Our information on making a Will and Leaving Legacy can be fou Further information can be found at Pet care In England and Wales, pets are legally considered to be the property o a Will this can set out what should happen to all of your worldly posse You will need to think carefully about and discuss with friends or family members to confirm not only who may have sufficient time and space, but also who is willing to take on the responsibility of your pet. If you haven't left any instructions on where you would like them to go, then it will be up to your Executors to decide who should care for them.

Click here to watch a video from Kathryn Mannix on ‘What happens as we die?’

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