Mythbusters - Section 01
Myth #1 - It’s Carcinoid - “not really cancer”. “Ca
“Carcinoid” is an outdated term - and is based on work undertak for carcinoid or cancer-like) was first used by Obendorfer (1907) Less well publicised is that some 20 years on, he revised his opi these tumours could indeed invade and spread and were indeed The term “carcinoid” is no longer recommended, because it fails cancers harbour. The term is also confusing, because it promote carcinoid syndrome, when most do not.
Myth #2 - Neuroendocrine Cancer is a slow-gro
Neuroendocrine cancers are not all the same. There are 2 distin all NECs are rapidly growing, NETs can show different rates of g
Myth #3 - Neuroendocrine Cancers are incurab
As with most other cancers, diagnosed accurately and at an earl
More information on understanding neuroendocrine cancer is
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