gNET – gastric (stomach) neuroendocrine tumour Grade / Grading – is a vital assessment of cell appearance (differentiation) and rate of cell replication and growth (Ki67%/Mitotic Rate): how slowly or rapidly a cancer may grow/spread HPB – hepato-pancreato-biliary – refers to the liver, pancreas and bile duct system Ki67 – is a protein present in cells and is involved in cell growth and division. By using this protein to stain cancer cells, an assessment can be made as to how slowly or quickly the cancer cells are likely to grow and spread. The higher the percentage the quicker growth can occur Malignant – cancer MDM – multidisciplinary meeting MiNEN is a Cancer that has features (under a microscope) of both neuroendocrine cancer (NET or NEC) and a non-neuroendocrine cancer – for example adenocarcinoma (most common form of cancer) Neuroendocrine Carcinoma, or NEC is a poorly-differentiated neuroendocrine cancer - that may be further classified as small or large cell NEC Neuroendocrine Neoplasm, or NEN , a term that includes both well- differentiated NETs and poorly differentiated NECs
NME – necrotising migratory erythema is a distinctive skin rash associated with a glucagonoma
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